Way to go, Aditya!
Aditya Patil of Class 7A participated in the 25th International Chess Festival held at Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy and in the 42nd Milan Open Chess Tournament, Italy, where he won the best U-18 player in the first tournament and stood 3rd overall in the 2nd tournament.
He increased his international chess rating by 250 ELO points.
An International Victory
Aditya Patil of Class 7 A stood 1st and won the championship at the FFE League Open International Tournament held in Noisel, France.
Aditya was one of the youngest players at the tournament and was leading the tournament throughout.
He was the only player to finish with 7 points. He increased his rating by 130 ELO points and won a cash prize of 250 Euros.
Aditya won Silver
Aditya Patil of Class 4 A won a Silver medal at the National Age Group Chess Championship held in Singapore.
Aditya's Chess Performance at Maharashtra State Schools
Aditya Patil of Class 4 A won a Gold Medal in the Mumbai City District Chess Selection Tournament in the U 9 category.
He has been selected to officially represent Mumbai City District at the Maharshtra State Chess Tournament to be held in June 2019.
Aditya's Chess Performance at Maharashtra State Schools
Aditya Patil of Class 3 A has won the Silver medal at the Maharashtra State Schools Chess Championship 2018.
He has been selected to officially represent Maharashtra State at the National Schools Chess Championship in April 2019.
Aditya Scores at MSSA
Aditya Patil of Class 3A won a Bronze medal in the U 10 Boys category at the MSSA Interschool Chess tournament, 2018.
There were 268 participants from schools all over Mumbai. Aditya played a category higher than his own, scored 7/8 points and secured 3rd place for our school.
Making Us Proud, Aditya!
Aditya Patil of Class 3A won the 2nd place in the U-9 boys category at the 1st All India Fide Rating Open Chess Tournament held in Mumbai. Aditya also secured 2nd place in the Below 1200 ELO rating category and won a cash prize of Rs 5000, increasing 70 ELO points in the same tournament.
Aditya Patil wins in Mumbai
Aditya Patil of Class 3 A won a Silver Medal at the Mumbai City District Level Chess Selection Championship- 2018 held in Mumbai.
Aditya competed in the U 9 boys category, which is a category higher than his own and got officially selected for the U 9 Boys State Championship- 2018.
Aditya Patil at FIDE Blitz Rating Chess Championship 2018
Aditya Patil of Class 3 A won a Bronze medal at the All Maharashtra State FIDE Blitz Rating Chess Championship 2018 held in Mumbai.
Aditya competed in the open category with high rated players, he beat a player with a rating of 1545 and secured 3rd place in the U-9 boys category, a category higher than his own .
Aditya patil of Class 2A won a Bronze at the Maharashtra state Chess Championship 2017
Aditya Patil of Class 2A won a bronze at the Maharashtra State Chess Championship 2017, held in Mumbai, in the U 7 boys category. He scored 7/8 points with 6 wins and 2 draws and stayed unbeaten in the tournament.
He competed in a category higher than his own, played with players older than him and stood 4th in the tournament.
All top 3 players finished with the same score of 7/8 but Aditya was awarded bronze due to the tie break score.
Little Aditya Patil takes a Giant Leap
Aditya Patil of Class 2A stood 1st in the Boys U 7 category at the 3rd RBK Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament held in Dec 2017.
He also participated in the Maharashtra State Schools Chess Championship in the Boys U 8 category in Dec 2017.
He competed in a category higher than his own, played with players older than him and stood 4th in the tournament.
Aditya at the 13th Asian Schools Chess Championship
Aditya Patil of Class 2A has won a Bronze medal for India at the 13th Asian Schools Chess Championship held in China in the U 7 boys category.

Aditya Patil won the first place at the HPCC Classical Chess Championship
Aditya Patil wins the first place at the HPCC Clasical Chess Championship held in May 2017