
Sakshi Singh is an international journalist and an author. Her articles have appeared in various international publications including The Bristol Post. Her book ‘Rat-a-Tat Poems’ is available in India and Europe and is used to teach poetry in schools across the U.K. ‘Jalebi Jingles’, her second book of poems was launched recently at The London Book Fair.

"there is much more to being a human being and understanding the human condition"

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A Poet in our Midst

Sakshi Singh is an international journalist and an author. Her articles have appeared in various international publications including The Bristol Post. Her book ‘Rat-a-Tat Poems’ is available in India and Europe and is used to teach poetry in schools across the U.K. ‘Jalebi Jingles’, her second book of poems was launched recently at The London Book Fair.

Ms. Sakshi gave an interesting presentation to our Class 3 students. They enjoyed having the opportunity of interacting with her, as her writing was clear, age-appropriate, and easily understood. The third graders loved her quick responses to their ideas. Ms. Singh allowed ample time for student questions and answered each question with humour, which was appreciated by the children and they too responded with witty answers. The students were engaged, energized and excited about putting their thoughts down in the form of their own poems and limericks. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet a poet, who translates personal experiences into wonderful verses!