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Aneesh Kumar raises funds for the Phool Versha Foundation

Grade 9 student Aneesh Kumar by hosted a piano concert on his YouTube channel in September’20. He along with his 4 friends helped raise over Rs 2 lakhs for the Phool Versha Foundation. More than a 100 strong audience sought entertainment through their repertoire of famous songs. He helped conceptualize and organize the performance, in addition to being the host and a performer in the show.


They had set themselves a goal of raising Rs 40,00 and were overjoyed and overwhelmed by the encouragement, support, appreciation, and the donations they received. The donations made a difference to the unprivileged members of the community. This has been a great learning experience for him and he has really appreciated the fact that people around him have encouraged him and helped him to make a difference in the lives of those not as privileged and fortunate as some others. He has understood that if the cause is worthwhile and if one is selfless, then miracles can and will happen, provided one extends a helping hand.



Following is the link to his performance: