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Visit to Maharashtra Nature Park

Sharing the Planet

Our Class III learners visited the Maharashtra Nature Park, which is a vast forest land in the heart of Mumbai city, on 15th February 2023. The purpose of the visit was to give our students the opportunity to inquire into the prevalent biodiversity and human interaction with nature. The students explored various ecosystems, under the able guidance of the park keepers, to understand the interdependence between the biotic and abiotic factors in nature. The walk around the park helped the young learners to understand the co-existence of various flora and fauna, which enabled them to think deeper into the meaning of ‘Biodiversity’. The students observed the making of compost and learned the importance of earthworms to maintain the ecological balance.




The students returned to school with an integral part of nature- plants for their class. They are encouraged to nurture the saplings, thus inculcating the attribute of 'Caring' towards their environment.