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Visit to Our Lady Home for Boys

Visit to Our Lady Home for Boys

On Thursday, 6th Feb, 2020, the students of Class 3A and 3B, along with their teachers, visited Our Lady Home, an orphanage for boys.



The children of the orphanage enjoyed interacting with our children and participated whole-heartedly in all the activities that were conducted. The ice-breaker was the singing of popular numbers, by our school children. The Home boys were encouraged to follow their actions and to sing along. Soon their shyness melted and the children requested for their favourite numbers to be played.



After this we had an art activity, which involved them making wrist bands and designing their choice of logos to be attached onto it. For this activity, the children were split up into teams. Each team comprised of children from the orphanage and DAIS children. This generated a lot of excitement, as it involved the use of colours, sequins, glue and other craft material. On completion, they displayed their wristbands proudly.



Then our P.E. teacher, spoke to them about how sport teaches discipline and encouraged all to embrace this in their daily lives. Following the talk, they played a game of football. The children of the orphanage got an opportunity to show their footwork and our children appreciated their skills. After this, we took a tour of the orphanage and Brother Cletus, who was the in-charge there, spoke to us about the history of the place, explaining how it all began. Our children got to see the dormitory, the classrooms, the chapel and the dining hall. He informed us about the daily routine of the children at the Home.



Finally we all collected in the quadrangle, where Brother Cletus thanked the children for spending their time and for the provisions and eatables that they had donated to the Home. Our children expressed their gratitude for the given opportunity, to interact with the boys and also said that they would love to visit again.


We waved our good-byes and boarded the bus back to school. It had been a morning well-spent and a truly enriching and rewarding experience for all of us.