Student Initiative
The conference is the first of its kind at DAIS, unique as it is totally student-driven. The conference has been meticulously planned and put together by DAIS students, and has been designed to ensure a memorable and enriching few days for all delegates.
While teachers advised us on organizational and logistical aspects, the creative force behind the conference was completely student-led. By allowing students to make decisions and take charge of the event, vital skills of leadership and organization were instilled in us.
When the time came to design the logo of the conference, we fixated on the idea of the endless possibilities and opportunities lying outside of one’s comfort zone.
Endless brainstorming followed, and an array of designs and concepts were created and considered. The design team worked for hours to create a symbol that would truly embody the theme of the conference. Ideas became rough sketches and bit by bit, the logo began to take shape.