Historical Perspectives - IBDP History
Grade 11 - As part of the IB history course, students are required to include the perspective of different historians in their essay. This activity got the students to take on the role of various historians and to have a panel discussion in which they gave their interpretation of a particular event. In this instance, the students had an animated discussion on whether the October Revolution was a popular revolution or a coup. The extreme views of some historians, and the students' commitment to the roles assigned gave rise to an animated debate!
Grade 8 - In this activity, students had to summarise creatively their understanding of Gandhian principles after watching the film Gandhi by Richard Attenborough.
Grade 11 - In this activity, students had to summarise the events leading to the rise of Stalin. They were each assigned a causal factor and were asked to draw a section of a comic strip illustrating it. All the students were drawing at the same time, which added to the fun of the activity. This was a creative and entertaining way to synthesise a complicated event - perfect for a Thursday afternoon class!