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Primary Academic Awards 2019-2020

At school, the academic arena offers many opportunities for rewarding students for their academic efforts and achievements. On an annual basis, we recognise and honour individual students for their outstanding academic work and for their leadership qualities. For the academic year 2019-2020, we used the virtual platform to award the students their Certificates of Appreciation.


The awards are grouped as ‘Outstanding Citizenship Awards’ and ‘High Academic Achievement Awards’.


The ‘Citizenship Awards’ are awarded to students of Classes I to 4 who have shown extraordinary leadership qualities and have been cooperative, responsible, respectful, caring, punctual and well behaved throughout the year.


The second set of awards are the ‘Academic Excellence Awards’ and the ‘Academic Honour Roll’.


The Academic Excellence Award is given to one student from each class section of Grade 3 and 4, who has achieved an overall best academic average.


The Honour Roll Award is given to those students from Classes 3 and 4, who have achieved overall distinction, as per set criteria, over all 4 grading cycles.


Another set of awards are for students who have excelled in individual subject areas.


The school also honours students who have put in 100% attendance through the year.