DAIS Science Fair 2012
Science does not know its debt to imagination
No truer words spoken by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which perhaps bear utmost importance in today’s innovation-conducive matrix. At D.A.I.S. we only continued honoring and horning such novelties as we conducted the 9th Annual Science Fair on the 4th of August 2012. This year, our budding Einsteins took their creative thinking skills to greater heights, displaying thorough knowledge and an inclination towards the scientific inquiry across all fields of the subject.
This Science Fair celebrated neoteric projects spanning from physics, chemistry and biology to environmental, human and computer sciences. Parents and judges alike enjoyed the DAIS scientific quest while no project failed to impress its audience. While some investigated effects of sports drinks on health or an unconventional relation between electric current and plant growth, new technologies of carbon nanotubes and robotic programming were explored with their present-day applications- winning their makers top places. Unorthodox Solar Water Pasteurizers and findings on the most suitable structure of spacecraft too received much acclaim.
The school Science Department as well as regular guest judge at DAIS, Dr. Amin from Intel, did the judging. Dr. Amin expressed his appreciation of the novel innovations that our students had brought forth and stressed on the importance of well-researched science projects that followed a systematic scientific inquiry.