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With globalisation making the lines between national borders and cultures increasingly supple, the commitment to accommodate a plurality of voices - be it in the classroom, in action or through perspectives - becomes imperative. The DAIS philosophy is forged around this axiom of internationalism. The ideals of internationalism are aligned with the international context of our curriculum, our faculty, the student body, discussions within classrooms, cultural exchanges, and the MUNs that promote a sensitive understanding of world affairs. Our curriculum encourages students to think globally, appreciate differing points of view and understand that the world is a complex, changing place.


Qualified and experienced International Faculty, with experience in schools worldwide, come from twelve countries and account for 14% of the total teaching staff. They not only expose our students to different cultures and perspectives, but also introduce new approaches to teaching and learning. They provide the international lens through which students address the curriculum.

As a global member of Round Square, DAIS has sent student and teacher delegations to multiple conferences and workshops, where interaction between our students and faculty members with others from different countries and cultures has opened up new dialogues with many international schools.

Annual international exchange programmes are central for making young people embrace other cultures and promoting liberal-mindedness. Homestays are an integral part of exchanges, and incorporate the spirit of cross-cultural learning. Both students and teachers host the visitors from other schools, and vice versa.


The School is a Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) affiliate and participates in MUN Conferences each year at The Hague, in Rome, in Singapore and in India, and hosts its own annual DAIMUN (Dhirubhai Ambani International Model United Nations) Conference.