Earth day 2017
Round Square initiative - Earth Day Campaign, 2017
On 22nd April, Earth Day, is celebrated around the world with banners, posters and campaigns to spread awareness about environmental awareness. This year the students of Dhirubhai Ambani International School, worked out an awareness building campaign themed 'Save Paper Save Trees'.
Making the Posters - The Campaign - These posters were used to educate everyone about the need to recycle paper and the various ways to do that. Students walked around the school campus and the faculty rooms sharing this information with their peers as well as the faculty members. Our objective was to involve as many students in participating and thus understanding the process of making a change in their lifestyles to make a bigger difference to their environment.
This campaign was conducted over a week. The last leg of this campaign was to ask students for suggestions on what are the changes they will make and request a commitment from them. Thus we managed to continue our efforts over 15 days and engaged with almost every child of the school. Children also spread the message of how the school is currently recycling its kitchen waste by using the compost bins and creating compost for the school gardens. There was a special campaign run in the school canteen requesting everyone to be aware of their food portions and thus help reduce food waste. A total tally of the food wasted was recorded and displayed in the canteen on a daily basis. This effort is ongoing and has been successful in reducing food waste effectively.