Earth day 2019
I'm The Earth and the Earth Is Me
DAIS wore a festive look on Thursday, 26th April, as the children trooped in excitedly through the school gates and were welcomed by some of the little kids with banners, advising all, on methods to save our Earth. You could sense an excitement in the air!
The week commenced with an address on the PA system by our cub captains, about the genesis of Earth Day and the pressing need to pledge our support to save our natural resources.
Throughout the week, the children participated in different activities; they made posters with catchy slogans, colourful banners, bird feeders and learnt how to make garbage bags through paper folding.
The students of Class I built a human formation on the playground that spelt the words 'Save the Sparrow'.
Since the theme this year was on the indiscriminate use of plastic, an art installation was displayed in the school atrium, which focused on the harmful effects of plastic on the environment. Other displays, made by the students were seen through the school. The children learnt, sang and recorded songs, which were played over the PA system during break time.
The grand finale, which was a culmination of the festivities, was conducted in the school auditorium. A series of song, dance and skit performances were put up by the children of UKG to Grade IV. The students watched a short film on the kinds of pollution and ways to beat them.
It was a morning well-spent! Our children expressively and effectively brought out the need to cherish and pay homage to Mother Earth as 'She' is all we have.