Earth day 2022
As every year, the entire school refreshes its pledge towards protecting the environment through a series of captivating awareness building and action-oriented activities. This year we chose a theme that requires immediate attention and action. The theme was 'Paper Management'- recycling and reusing. On the 22nd of April 2022, teachers and students of DAIS were in for a pleasant surprise as they entered the school. A group of students welcomed them with beautiful melody and a song that urged everyone to take action to save the environment. Another group of students moved around with posters, made on recycled paper displaying important messages of conversing resources, recycling waste, planting more trees etc. Similar posters were also put up around the school to celebrate Earth Day. The cub captains delivered a compelling message, through the PA system, for each one of us to take steps towards saving the environment.
Students from middle school put up a special assembly, highlighting the current apthay towards the environment. Through a humorous play, they explained how the Mother Earth was so much cleaner and better during the lockdown as there was less pollution and little human intervention.
Portrayed through characters representing the Earth, Ozone layer, Corona virus, Mangroves, and humans, the actors sent out a strong message on how collective action can bring about changes that can help arrest the negative effects of climate change. Senior student leaders Sriya Bodapati and Dhruv Bhalla addressed the assembly and reiterated the importance of taking care of limited natural resources and stressed upon the need for wastepaper management, the theme of the year.
Throughout the week student volunteers from grades 7, 8A and Yr 11 visited classrooms and carried out an awareness building program. They visited every class from LKG to grade 8 and conducted sessions, discussions and activities engaging every child in understanding the need for action. The sessions included showing of an informative video followed by age appropriately designed activities and discussions highlighting the need for action.
The students discussed how it was possible, with small lifestyle changes to make a significant impact in combating climate change. The topics covered were impact of human action on climate change, environment stewardship, need for individual action and participation the DAIS wastepaper management initiative. Students' groups produced practical, creative, and innovative ideas and solutions about wastepaper management and reducing the use of paper in school as well as at home. Some of these ideas included using paper made from alternate sustainable materials such as elephant dung, sugarcane pulp, using empty pages of old notebooks, making note pads from loose sheets and many such ideas.
Student volunteers used their break time to reach out to the teachers and staff of the school and communicate to them the need to get involved. They went to faculty rooms and rapped a song about using paper judiciously as well as save electricity by turning off electrical off the lights and air con when not in use. The whole school engaged with the Earth Day theme in various forms of expressions, through Art, Music, Dance as well as continued related activities in class. Songs about recycling, garbage segregation, conservation of resources were taught in, music class, while in the art classes students worked with recycled paper and created papier mache artwork.
Collection Boxes: To facilitate the collection of the wastepaper students painted and decorated boxes that were placed in all classrooms, faculty rooms and printer points. Students were were guided to deposit paper that can be reused and recycled.
An overall, successful initiative that made students and teachers feel responsible for the environemnt and make changes to go green!