- Dhirubhai Ambani International SchoolOpen or Close
ESTABLISHED in 2003, in a span of 15 years, DAIS has emerged as one of the most admired schools in India and Globally
MOTTO: "DARE TO DREAM, LEARN TO EXCEL"Dhirubhai Ambani International School was established in 2003 to offer high-quality international education in the city of Mumbai. To build a world-class school with an Indian mind, an Indian heart and an Indian soul. The emphasis has always been on children’s all-round development and excellence, by enabling them to bring out the best in themselves.
- International AccreditationOpen or Close
DAIS is among the few schools in India to be Jointly Accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Council of International Schools (CIS)
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
- FacultyOpen or Close
Qualified and experienced Faculty forming an excellent mix of experience in schools worldwide
The School’s talented and dedicated teachers, with linguistic and cultural diversity, play a central role in enhancing and optimizing children’s learning.
- AcademicsOpen or Close
An LKG-12 school,
Dhirubhai Ambani International School prepares students for theICSE
- University PlacementsOpen or Close
Over the past nineteen years, our IBDP graduates have gained admission to the world's top universities like University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University College London, Imperial College, King’s College, London School of Economics, University of Warwick, MIT, Harvard University, Stanford University, Princeton University, Yale University, Columbia University, Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania, California Institute of Technology, University of California-Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan, University of Chicago, Boston University, New York University, Brown University, Georgetown University, Tufts University, Northwestern University, McGill University, University of Hong Kong, University of Melbourne, University of British Columbia, Sciences Po, Singapore Management University, Rhode Island School of Design, NALSAR University of Law, amongst others. Our graduates from the Class of 2022 were accepted by 19 of the top 30 universities worldwide. The countries spanning where our students were admitted are: United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Singapore, Qatar, Australia and India.
Over the years, many reputable universities have offered scholarships to our students, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Cambridge, Stanford University, Boston University, Brown University, Princeton University, Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, New York University, University of Connecticut, Cornell University, London School of Economics, Sciences Po, New York University–Abu Dhabi, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, McGill University, Harvey Mudd College and University of Hong Kong.
- Model United Nations Open or Close
DAIS has an active Model United Nations (MUN) programme, which offers students interactive and experiential learning opportunities on global issues. In 2006, DAIS received affiliation with THIMUN, a remarkable milestone as it is the first school from India and the whole of South Asia to achieve this honor. The Annual DAIMUN (Dhirubhai Ambani International School Model United Nations) Conference provides opportunities for students to deliberate on contemporary and critical issues the world faces, in addition to developing their leadership qualities.
DAIS students participate in Seeds of Peace, an international peace-building youth organization based in New York. It brings together youth from conflict-ridden nations and empowers them as the leaders of tomorrow, who will foster the peace making initiatives in their countries. Seeds of Peace encourages collaboration beyond national borders and helps students gain an understanding of issues affecting other nations.
- DAIMUN Open or Close
Dhirubhai Ambani International Model United Nations, or DAIMUN, is a student-run conference that aims to simulate the workings of the real United Nations. It brings together students from all over India and abroad, who take on the roles of ambassadors representing various nations in the world. DAIMUN is based on the fundamental ideas of diplomacy, equality and self- expression.
DAIMUN an intricately woven tapestry of global issues, ethics and ideals. According to the United Nations Charter, The United Nations is “a centre for harmonising the actions of nations”. DAIMUN strives to uphold this same standard of excellence and to thus continue this noble intention. A truly committed delegate will always leave the conference with a further enhanced sense of confidence, a greater comprehension of our world as an integral whole and sharpened debating skills.
- Round Square Open or Close
DAIS received Regional Membership of Round Square in 2008 and Global Membership of Round Square in 2010. Over the years, DAIS has successfully integrated the Round Square IDEALS (Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service) into the School through a number of activities and exchange programmes. DAIS hosted a Round Square International Service (RSIS) project in December 2013 and 2014, at Kumbharghar, in which students from eight countries participated in building a school and low-cost housing facilities, using green architecture.
- International Exchange Programmes Open or Close
Through exchange programmes, DAIS encourages students to experience and appreciate other cultural contexts and broaden their world view, while also giving them opportunities to engage in community service. The School has exchange programmes with L’Ermitage School, Paris, France; SEK International School, Madrid, Spain; Open Gate School, Prague, Czech Republic; Bavarian International School, Bavaria; The Liceo Scientifico Farnecina School, Rome, Italy; Concord College of Sino-Canada in Shenzhen, China and the Musashino University and the Chiyoda International School, Tokyo, Japan.
- Teacher Exchange ProgrammeOpen or Close
DAIS has Teacher Exchange Programmes with three schools- L'Ermitage International School in France, International School San Patricio Toledo of Spain, and Open Gate School, Czech Republic. These programmes are an important area for development of teachers, as well as for implementing the latest and more innovative teaching-learning practices at the school.
- Experiential LearningOpen or Close
In line with its philosophy of giving the maximum possible opportunities for students to enhance their learning and development and support their work for community service projects, DAIS encourages them to make use of off-campus facilities that are made available at Matheran, Patalganga and Jamnagar. Our students participate in the International Award for Young People (IAYP), an organization that focuses on encouraging overall development of young adults, by challenging them in four areas - physical recreation, skills, service and expeditions. The students participate in outdoor camps, experiencing the different outdoor life skills and challenges.
- DAIS Leadership SeriesOpen or Close
DAIS Leadership Series (DLS) provides opportunities to students to listen to compelling stories of some of India’s leaders, and draw inspiration and insights from them.
- TEDxYouth@DAISOpen or Close
With the growing appreciation of TED Talks as a teaching and learning tool and a catalyst for innovation and change, our students launched TEDxYouth@DAIS in 2013.
- FacultyOpen or Close