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Minecraft World

Two teams from our Primary school participated in the Minecraft Monthly Build Challenge, organized by Minecraft Education. The theme for the challenge was “Sustainable and Attainable Living”. This competition is an exercise in creativity, artistic expression, communication and technology.



The teams identified were students of Grade 3 and Grade 4, comprising of Aarin Punjani and Dharini Zaveri representing Grade 3 and Saketaram Manikantan representing Grade 4. The challenge was presented to them and the students came up with their own initiatives to explore the challenge and build a sustainable world model in Minecraft.

Team Aarin and Dharini submitted their build called 'Sustainability - the Only Elixir of Life' which was awarded the South-Central-West Region 2, Advance level Winner of the Minecraft Build Challenge February'22.



Team Saketaram called his model the 'Circle of Life by The Green Goblin' and was awarded the South-Central-West Region 1, Beginner level Winner of the Minecraft Build Challenge February'22.


The students showed great initiative, problem-solving and coding skills, and thinking outside the box when using the clever placement of blocks to build the model. They are an inspiration to all the other students who wish to participate in this monthly challenge.