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Promoting healthy food

We as a group observed that our life has become very sedentary over the years, thus we took the initiative to spread awareness of the importance of exercise and healthy eating. Our service involved the setting up of a stall that sold healthy food and promoted the benefits of healthy eating. We also created a fitness regime for children and organized multiple events to celebrate fitness day at our school.

Through the concept of 'Fitness Day,' we were able to actively engage students in plyometric circuit training. The training entailed exercises that ensured a full body workout, while making each exercise enjoyable in the company of other peers. While hosting a dodge ball match between the two divisions of class 7 we could foster the idea of healthy competition and better sportsmanship.

It was very satisfying to watch how engaged each student was and the power of sport to unite all. Through the journey of our MAD project, we built upon very important skills, the most important being effective communication skills, not only within the members of our group, but also with the teachers and staff, in order to bring this project to life.