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IBDP Results 2024

IBDP Results 2024

We are thrilled to announce the exceptional achievements of the Class of 2024 in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma examinations. With an impressive average score of 39.5 points, significantly higher than the global average of 30.32 points, our students have demonstrated remarkable dedication and excellence.

108 students of the Class of 2024 received the IB Diploma and 2 were IB Certificate Candidates.

The School's average Diploma score is 39.5 points
(Worldwide: 30.32 points)

6 students achieved the perfect score of
45 points.
8 students scored 44 points .
15 students scored 43 points.
60 students earned 40 points or more points,
representing 56% of our candidates.
87 students achieved scores of 36 or above,
representing 81% of our candidates.

80% of Higher Level papers were graded 7 or 6

84% of Standard Level papers were graded 7 or 6
  • In Extended Essay, 78% of the grades obtained
    are A's and B's

  • In Theory of Knowledge, 74% of the grades obtained
    are A's and B's

  • The mean grade obtained by our students is 6.20

  • The mean bonus points obtained by our students is 2.3

IB Diploma Results 2024
Students' Diploma Score Snapshot
% of Students
Diploma Score Range (out of 45)

IB Diploma Results 2024
A Comparative Snapshot
Average Score