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Rimun Report: 2021

RIMUN 2021

The Rome International Model United Nations (RIMUN) was held from the 22nd to the 25th of April, 2021. The conference was held online through Google Meet. The conference was attended by 17 delegates from our school, representing Italy, Japan, Singapore, Mozambique and Tunisia. There were many different committees from the General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, Human Rights Council and the Security Council.


The conference began on the 22nd of April with the opening ceremony, where Dhruv Kapadia, the Ambassador of Japan delivered a speech on the conference’s theme, ‘The Responsibility of Freedom.’ Committees began the very next day with lobbying. DAIS Delegates actively lobbied other delegates and debated over the role of main submitter of their resolutions. Resolutions were discussed and amendments were proposed. This followed for another day. The last day entertained the plenary session, where delegates of all committees got together to discuss passed resolutions.


In the General Assembly, Annika Cerejo and Daya Ravi represented Italy in GA3 and GA6 respectively. They debated on issues such as the social inclusion of refugees and the difficult agenda of forming a legal framework concerning travel regulation during the pandemic. Japan was represented by Yashraj Vishwakarma in GA2 who discussed the views on Japan on establishing global financial guidelines to counter transnational corporate tax avoidance and Dhruv Kapadia in GA4 who presented the country’s views on the modern issue of sustainability in space. The stances of Mozambique were represented by Aneesh Kumar in GA4 and Aaryan Dalal in GA1 respectively. Aneesh presented the nation’s stance on the Hong Kong Crisis while Aaryan strived to achieve security in the war torn Afghan region. The views of Singapore were put forth by Vansh Bhatia in GA2, who debated the issue of instituting an international fund to help war torn and disaster struck nations and Anamika Rastogi in GA3, who put forth the island nation’s opinions on improving the living conditions of internally displaced people.


In the Economic and Social Council, Hrishita Shah represented Italy in the Commission on Population and Development, which debated on supporting victims of domestic abuse during the COVID 19 pandemic. Ruhaan Mahindru represented Japan in the same committee. In the Commission on Sciene and Technology for Development, Viraj Aggarwal voiced the view of Singapore on the issue of empowering refugees through technology. In the Economic and Social Commmission for Western Asia, Tunisia was represented by Karan Verma, who debated on the agenda of guaranteeing education in Western Asia, post the COVID 19 pandemic.


In the Human Rights Council, Italy was represented by Kiara Maniar, who strongly debated on protecting the rights of female refugees, while Japan’s opinion was put forth by Harshvardhaan Jhaveri. In the Advisory Committee on New and Emerging Digital Technologies and Human Rights, Aditya Ramanathan presented Japan’s stance on the agenda of measures to redefine the edges between social media policies and the freedom of expression of individuals, while Aritra Mallik did the same for Tunisia.


In the Security Council, Ishaan Singh was the sole representative of DAIS, who put forth the view of Tunisia on Myanmar conflict.


DAIS Delegates once again lived up to their name and earned respectable awards and their hardwork paid off.


Kiara Maniar won the best delegate award in the plenary session of the Human Rights Council (HRC)
Hrishita Shah won the best delegate award in the Commission of Population and Development (CPD)


Honourable Mentions were won by:


  1. Harshvardhaan Jhaveri - Human Rights Council (HRC)

  2. Yashraj Vishwakarma - Economic and Financial Committee (ECOFIN)

  3. Dhruv Kapadia - Special Political and Decolonisation Committee (SPECPOL)

  4. Viraj Aggarwal - Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CTSD)

  5. Anamika Rastogi - Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Issues Committee (SOCHUM)


Aaryan Dalal (DISEC) and Ishaan Singh (SC) were noted for their active involvement in the debates and were recognised by their chairs during the closing cermony.


Overall, the experience of RIMUN was enjoyable for all delegates, and was catered to almost every DAIS delegate’s needs due to the wide range of committees, with each delegate experiencing different sides of the wide spectrum of Model United Nations.