The Swachh DAIS Initiative
Our school philosophy already promotes the sense of civic responsibility amongst our students, and this campaign lends strength to our existing resolve of maintaining a clean environment.
The Appeal from our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to initiate the Swachh Bharat campaign began with the Swachata Anthem playing on the PA system. This set a motivational tone to the entire campaign.

DAIS has already initiated the task of creating a Model Green Zone in and around the school. The school, during the Young Round Square Conference held in October 2014 undertaken a project to convert the wasteland behind the school into a ‘green cover’. This includes cleaning the place of existing garbage, plant trees, place dustbins along the foot path etc. MMRDA has graciously marked out the above area for the activities of our students.

The benefits of a clean and healthy surrounding was re iterated to the students. They were made aware of the need to continue this cleanliness initiative in their own homes and neighbourhood. As a tool to spread this awareness, children created a poster campaign. These posters are displayed in the school atrium to enable the entire school to be inspired by the message. The primary students of Round Square Core Activity conducted the poster campaign.

DAIS has already initiated the task of creating a Model Green Zone in and around the school. The school, during the Young Round Square Conference held in October 2014 undertaken a project to convert the wasteland behind the school into a ‘green cover’. This includes cleaning the place of existing garbage, plant trees, place dustbins along the foot path etc. MMRDA has graciously marked out the above area for the activities of our students.
‘Swachh DAIS’ Awareness Programme

The benefits of a clean and healthy surrounding was re iterated to the students. They were made aware of the need to continue this cleanliness initiative in their own homes and neighbourhood. As a tool to spread this awareness, children created a poster campaign. These posters are displayed in the school atrium to enable the entire school to be inspired by the message. The primary students of Round Square Core Activity conducted the poster campaign.

The students of the Art and Nature Club made a life size banner with the same message. ‘Let’s Clean Up! Litter Free DAIS.’

Students of classes 4 to 9 enthusiastically working at the task of cleaning up the road behind the school near the wasteland. Armed with brooms, scoops, brushes and garbage bags, these young students went about picking up garbage, sweeping the footpath, the road and the plantation area.

DAIS students plan to make this activity integral to their life style by incorporating cleanliness as a habit. Through their various planned activities, the Swachh Bharat campaign will stay alive at DAIS today and every day.

‘Swachh DAIS’ Cleanliness Drive Programme

Students of classes 4 to 9 enthusiastically working at the task of cleaning up the road behind the school near the wasteland. Armed with brooms, scoops, brushes and garbage bags, these young students went about picking up garbage, sweeping the footpath, the road and the plantation area.
‘Swachh DAIS’ Today and Everyday

DAIS students plan to make this activity integral to their life style by incorporating cleanliness as a habit. Through their various planned activities, the Swachh Bharat campaign will stay alive at DAIS today and every day.