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Teach for India 2018-19

Teach For India 2018-19

Teach for India is a non-profit organisation in which college graduates and working professionals work in low-income schools to facilitate a better learning environment in our country. Our school has been working with Teach For India for several years, and this relationship has only strengthened with the passage of time. A group of 14 students from various schools associated with TFI attend theatre workshops in our school every Friday, which are organised and conducted by our very own grade 11 students.Working in tandem with the school Drama department, these sessions serve as an introduction to Theatre and the Arts, an opportunity to learn and enjoy simultaneously. Group activities are carried out for confidence building purposes, and to expand the reach of the arts to all students. But most importantly, these sessions are thoroughly enjoyable. For the CAS fete, the students worked towards a dance performance which was choreographed by the 11th graders. The students also put up a performance in school, a product of their months of training. The young students displayed tremendous dedication whilst preparing for this performance.




“I've had the chance to forge relationships with these wonderful kids, from whom I've learned as much as I've imparted. They're a joy to see and they make coming to school on Friday worth it for me.” reflects Aman Datta. Ishika Srivastava says “The biggest take-away from working with Teach For India are the students themselves. Being fairly young, these students are forever enthused. Their energy radiates through their pores, which in turn transfers to all of us.” This two way learning path has truly enriched all of us, and we hope to continue to enjoy this weekly interaction that makes us exude our passion and share it with others.