At 16 years of age, Hemani Kalucha has already made her mark in the field of robotics. Her most recent accomplishment was winning the Indian Robot Olympiad 2012 for her project ‘AR-Jen’. This project explored the myriad theme of Indian mythology by taking the wonders of human capabilities and attempts, to decode and replicate it using the laws of physics and motion engineering. Her robot was also displayed at Techfest 2013, one of Asia’s largest science and technology festivals, in IIT Bombay. This project not only showed Hemani’s intellectual capabilities, but also her ability to strongly connect to judges and audiences using ingenious concepts and gripping ideas.
Hemani has entered a variety of robotics competitions starting at the young age of of 12. The IRO was the 4th major robotics competition Hemani participated in and went on to represent India in the junior open category of the World Robotics Olympiad, held in Malaysia.