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Talk by Ramaprasad Raghavan

Talk by Ramaprasad Raghavan

Chairperson of Agastya.

Ramaprasad Raghavan is an India based Social Entrepreneur. He is the Founder and Chairman of Agastya International Foundation, a Non-Profit Organization that aims at sparking creativity and curiosity amongst underprivileged children and rural teachers. Agastya runs the largest hands-on learning program in the world. Mr. Raghavan believes in nurturing students and helping them and their creativity flourish to create not only bright students but to create innovative, out-of-the box and enjoyable methods of education to engage everybody.


Creating communities that are curious, creative and innovative as well as communities that question, tinker, observe and experiment is one of the top challenges for educators in the 21st century. The ‘Aah! Aha!’ and ‘Ha-ha’ experience in learning can help to inject the vital creative spark in education.