DAIS presented - Pied Piper and the tunes of Social Media’ at the HYP Musical Drama festival
On 18th November, a team of eight DAIS students from grades 7 and 8 took participated in a Drama Event hosted by Hyderabad Public School.

The event started with inspiring words from the keynote speaker, Miss Sowmya Ram H, who spoke about the Covid-19 pandemic being an opportunity in disguise because it promotes essential skills like video editing and collaboration on the online platform. The DAIS delegates, along with senior leaders, created their musical virtually in which delegates recorded their dialogues individually before putting all their clips together to ensure the final product was one seamless video. The team spent the month before the event gearing up to produce an original musical spanning over 20 minutes through an online platform. The DAIS musical was a modernized adaptation of the Pied Piper which suggested the optimal manner to use social media.

Then the curtains were raised for performances. The students were in awe at the incredible performances put up by participating schools - a re-enactment of the Mahabharata, an adaptation of The Invisible Man, and more! They witnessed plays in different genres and saw values and morals highlighted in every piece.
Finally, DAIS team presented their play - 'Pied Piper and the tunes of Social Media', a twist of the original tale, with Pied Piper trapped into the enchanting tunes of social media.
Highlighting the reasons as to why one shouldn’t fall prey to the enticing lures of social media, the DAIS musical received a lot of positive feedback and much appreciation for its originality and the relevance of its theme in today’s context.

Next, the delegates eagerly joined the Barazas - namely ’Roll’, ’Camera’ and ’Action’ - where they engaged in insightful and exciting discussions. There the themes of all the performed plays were discussed and delegates shared their perspectives on the different plays enacted. In ‘Roll’, the discussion revolved around the usage of social media and Indian epics. In the Baraza ‘Camera’, the morality of Yudhistara's gambling in the Mahabharata was broached upon. While the Baraza, ‘Action’, deliberated upon the differences between creating YouTube videos and their plays.
The second day was equally as enriching. The first play discussed gave the participants an insight on the traditions that depicted the true meaning of Halloween, and the delegates discovered the reason it came to be. The discussion led to an exchange of cultures, fulfilling the underlying goal of the Round Square events. Next in line was a play covering the theme ‘Ambitions.’ The play was not only fun to watch but it also made the audience ponder on the true nature of one’s ambitions. Discussions in the Barazas were thought-provoking as the delegates shared their own ambitions and thought about the actions they would hypothetically carry out as a fairy who could grant wishes. They also discussed many more interesting questions that were raised during the interactions.

The Host school themselves presented the tale of the brilliant scholar and thinker, Tenali Raman. They included some amazing sound effects and songs making it a delight to watch. Following this, an interesting discussion took place about attitudes and ego, in regard to the quote ‘An eye for an eye makes the world blind.’ The delegates talked about how humans are imperfect using the ministers’ behaviour towards Tenali in the play as an example and pondered on what could have possibly caused them to be so bitter towards him.
Points to Ponder about the Baraza sessions:
- The Baraza sessions were open discussions, and everyone shared their inputs and ideas. These interactions helped me contribute my thoughts as well.
- The plays were on a vast range of topics, and it was interesting to note the true meaning behind the skits as shared by the participating delegates.
- The Baraza sessions especially taught us how to express ourselves more efficiently.
- It was a great opportunity to interact with everyone and it was real fun listening to how other delegates learnt drama in their own schools and about the challenges they overcame while performing their play. We expressed our views on the different plays enacted and got to interact with different people.
- Each person had their own opinions and perspectives which sometimes caused controversy but also taught us to agree to disagree. With various questions posed by the Baraza leaders, we contemplated, and shared our thoughts on certain problems that are prevalent in society today.
- The Baraza sessions had a fun environment and allowed us to express our opinions, ponder upon questions, solve problems, experience incidences in another's life, as well as understand the viewpoints of other delegates.
The learning’s and reflections of the DAIS delegates were as follows:
This event was a great learning experience and I really enjoyed interacting with so many people. The plays were on a vast range of topics and seeing everyone's different take on the true meaning behind the skits, as well as receiving their inputs and thoughts was something I found most interesting. Seeing everyone make optimum use of the online platform and put-up intriguing skits was a delight. I am glad I got the opportunity to be a part of this Round Square event! – Aryahi Agarwal
I found the conference to be very enriching. I saw several plays which utilized different techniques and spoke of different themes while at the same time being light-hearted, humorous, and dramatic as the needs were. Overall, it was a highly enjoyable experience. – Ishaan Surve
This round square was an enriching experience and helped develop real world skills, such as public speaking and quick thinking. I learnt a lot about the effort that goes into making a play and all the behind-the-scenes processes, be it scripting, casting or costumes. All the presentations taught me about culture, heritage, or life in general while also making me laugh with the brilliant comedic elements. Overall, this was a fantastic experience that helped us make amazing memories. – Riddimma Sampat
Participating in a Round Square event for the first time helped me develop a sense of leadership and responsibility. The Drama event was a unique way of exposing us to the Round square fundamentals portrayed through the various segments of the event. - Ayaan Shah