Report on Visit to Shepherd’s Widows’ Home

The children of class 3B visited the Shepherd’s Widows’ Home at Byculla, on Saturday, 8th October, 2016
The visit was organised as part of the Social Service programme of the curriculum. Our school believes in giving first-hand experiences to its learners and the visit was conducted as a part the school’s initiative to sensitize young minds towards the aged and the needy.
The children assembled in school and were taken to the home by bus. On reaching the home, the children were taken to a hall and seated. Cartons of daily provisions, towels and nightwear were taken by the group for the inmates. The visit began by the children saying the school prayer. The inmates also joined the children in the prayer. The children performed little skits and sang songs and ‘bhajans’ to liven up the mood.
The inmates were very hospitable and friendly, and they welcomed us with their beautiful smiles. To break the monotony of their lives, the children entertained them by telling stories, jokes, playing games like Simon Says, I Spy, dancing, singing songs and reciting poems. The activities were undertaken both in English and Hindi, for the benefit of all inmates. The inmates interacted very enthusiastically with the children. They too sang songs and danced with the children.
Before leaving, a vote of thanks was given by Vansh Agrawal and ikshu Shinde. The same was reciprocated by the inmates. The children handed out to each aunty, a lantern for the upcoming festive season, before leaving. These were made by the kids themselves during their Art class at school. The inmates were touched by this gesture. Some of them broke into tears with this simple act of love. The aged women were very happy to have us there, and they also mentioned this in their vote of thanks. They also said that they look forward to our visit next year.

The objective of the programme was achieved in the true sense it was intended. Though we spent a short time with them, the children expressed their satisfaction with the experience. Some of the children were emotional and expressed a desire to visit the home again. It was really a joyous experience for all the students to interact with the inmates. The most inspiring thing was that in spite of facing so many hardships, these aged people have brave hearts and try to find endless ways to be happy life, and we were happy to contribute in some way.