Visit To All Saints’ Home
On Saturday, 13th October, the students of IIIA visited a home for the aged. They were accompanied by seven teachers- Ms. Pritha Banerjee, Ms. Sushma Rajnish, Ms. Shivranjani Mathur, Ms. Sandra Rozario, Ms. Mamtha Dalal, Ms. Nandita Das and the classteacher, Ms. Anupama. Pillai.

On arriving at the home, we were first taken to the reception area where a few of the inmates had gathered to receive us. We greeted them and introduced ourselves and they did the same. Many of them recognized us from our previous visits. The children interacted with those present and later they were split into smaller groups that were supervised by a teacher each. We were then taken around the home to meet some of the octogenarians who were unwell and were confined to their room as movement was restricted.

On arriving at the home, we were first taken to the reception area where a few of the inmates had gathered to receive us. We greeted them and introduced ourselves and they did the same. Many of them recognized us from our previous visits. The children interacted with those present and later they were split into smaller groups that were supervised by a teacher each. We were then taken around the home to meet some of the octogenarians who were unwell and were confined to their room as movement was restricted.

Our children spoke to them and sang songs and bhajans which brought smiles to their faces as they clapped along. The kids also gave them the pop-up cards that they had made in the art class. The children got to see the dining area, the kitchen and the chapel too. After going around, all of us again gathered in the reception area. In the meantime, individual snack boxes that we had taken along with us were being readied to hand out. The children handed over the boxes to the grannies and answered queries from them. They posed for photos too.
Then there was a small entertainment programme put up by the kids. Kabir Parekh gave the introductory speech. There was much clapping and cheering by everybody as our children danced and sang.. The songs sung by our kids were appreciated by them and there was a request for a rendition of lungi dance which the children did with gusto. A few of the inmates were eager to sing for us in return so we played Antakshari with them. Soon it was time to say our good-byes and Saaina Bajaj said a thank you for making the day special. Our children did us proud too- they were complimented for being wonderful and caring.
The visit was truly rewarding for all of us (children and teachers). It was a wonderful opportunity for the kids to spread joy and receive the same and it has definitely resulted in an experience that will be an enriching and a memorable one. As one child put it “This Saturday was different, but it couldn’t have been a better one. Another child said gleefully, “ If these grannies can dance, my Dadi can dance as well.”