Our Visit to St. Katherine’s Home

We climbed out of the bus and felt the warmth of the sun,
We were happy and knew that we were going to have fun.
We all walked up looking around and walking in slow motion,
Then we got an explanation, which filled our hearts with emotion.
We then went to the boys’ room and they performed gymnastics,
So far everything turned out to be super fantastic!
On to the second boys’ room, with them we interacted,
We heard melodious voices but the passage of time was rapid.
We then went to the beautiful art gallery,
The pictures were so lovely they could have earned a big salary.
After that was the humongous girls’ dormitory,
The children looked so happy not a tad bit sorry.
It was a day full of hope and smiles and cheer,
Not a glum face, no sadness and no tear.
It felt good to play and to dance and to share,
We got a chance to show that we really care.
Our hearts were grateful for whatever God sends,
We came back to school having made new friends.
