Page 30 - DAIS Admission Brochure 2023-24
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Alumni Speak                                                                                                                                         Sara Ali Khan: Class of 2013

                                      Harshil Karia: Class of 2005                                                                                            Actor
                                      Founder, Schbang
                                                                                                                                                              For me, DAIS will always be synonymous with laughter, enthusiasm, excitement, learning
                                                                                                                                                              and growth. I was very privileged to have had an extremely balanced and constructive
                                      My time at the Dhirubhai Ambani International School taught me two important lessons.                                   schooling experience. The same people that taught me how to fit into society also
                                      The first one was that 'learning' is a lifetime process and it doesn't stop. Almost every                                exemplified discipline and focus for me. The faculty of the school was instrumental in
                                      member of the faculty ingrained this thought in me at every opportunity. Before that, I                                 making me understand and value the importance of a well-rounded education – that
                                      was under the delusion that you finish your degree and life begins. It is at DAIS that I                                 included physical activities, interactive games, yoga, and dance and, of course, at the
                                      understood that learning is one of the core tenets of life and an integral part of one's                                centre of it all was a solid foundation of academics and general knowledge. From taking
                                      purpose – one only has to recognise it. The second lesson was that excellence requires an                               part in the annual day plays where I acted on stage for the first time; to thoroughly
                                      eye for detail. Right from the way the course is structured to the way the school is run, at                            enjoying my science classes and getting a 100 on my science board exams; to writing a
                                      a very young age one gets to understand the value of being meticulous. And one sees                                     history thesis for the IB that I referred to even while at Columbia University, I truly believe
                                      how the approach of getting into the details can make an everlasting impact.                                            that  DAIS  was  a  perfect  amalgamation  of  personal,  social,  physical  and  mental
                                                                                                                                                              education. And I know I am who I am today because of all those years. I thank all my
                                                                                                                                                              classmates, the faculty and the Heads at this school for giving me the fondest memories
                                                                                                                                                              and the most constructive learnings.
                                       Natasha Sabharwal Chhatrapati: Class of 2005
                                       Senior Director, Resource Allocation and Analytics, Sanofi Global                                                       Armaan Biviji: Class of 2014
                                                                                                                                                              Music Composer for Films and TV
                                       My years at DAIS are unforgettable – going in as the first graduating IB class we had no
                                       benchmarks or track-record, just a blank slate to start our journey. DAIS gave me truly an                             Studying at DAIS was truly one of the most cherished memories and experiences I have
                                       all-round education with endless opportunities to explore and immerse in music, dance,                                 ever had. As part of the first batch of Class II students in 2003, I spent the next 10 years
                                       theatre,  MUN  and  more.  I  grew  with  the  school  and  discovered  my  likes,  dislikes,                          receiving a profoundly multifaceted curriculum of education and development that DAIS
                                       strengths and weaknesses. Supported by world-class faculty and resources, I was always                                 offered. Going beyond the usual scope of in-depth and extensive subject-based studies,
                                       challenged to think big and applied to university programmes that I probably would have                                DAIS imbibed a fortifying critical thinking approach. This set us up with a lifetime of
                                       never thought to apply on my own. Thirteen years into my professional career, I continue                               innate analytical skills, enabling us to prosper across any career we chose to embark on.
                                       to be inspired by my DAIS peers who have developed themselves as multi-faceted leaders                                 Growing up in DAIS, I learned about my strengths, weaknesses, and passions, and the
                                       across a variety of academic and non-academic fields. My life is coming full circle now                                 final years at the school ensured we excelled well through our post-IB lives. From college
                                       after becoming a DAIS parent. The school's strong foundation and its continuous effort                                 placements to intercultural and diversity awareness, it is fair to say that a DAIS alumnus
                                       to reinvent itself, made my decision for my son to join the DAIS family an obvious one.                                could flourish anywhere in the world they choose.

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