P. 5

EDITOR’S NOTE  world class Nita Mukesh Ambani Junior School (NMAJS) facility, a ritzy building

                many of us got a peek at during the 20-year reunion earlier this year. A few

                metres away, the main tiered DAIS building will also get a facelift in the coming

                years. As summer break comes to a close, these campuses are gearing to
                welcome students into their new homes. You’ll get deeper insights on this from

                Mr Basu in this issue, along with some fascinating alumni stories—did you know
                that one of us is out there, tracking snow leopards for a living?

                The winds are a-changing, but it’s safe to say that they carry the core spirit to

                dare and dream tightly, flowing through new halls with fresh faces, setting

                renewed benchmarks from those freshly painted benches. Will there still be
 This year marks a big   Cornetto served at the canteen? Watch this space to see how it all unfolds.

 milestone for DAIS

 history, marked by

 3 new campuses                                                                 Pankti Mehta

                                                                                     Class of 2006

 A turning point for DAIS :

 I’m a few weeks away from seeing my 3-year-old don the DAIS uniform
 for the first time, exactly 20 years since I first did. I’m tempted to use

 words like ‘surreal’, but the feeling is a magical concoction that I have

 yet to articulate, while wondering if she, too, will use most of her
 coupons for nimboo pani and Cornetto at the canteen. What’s more

 exciting is that the start of her DAIS journey marks a turning point for

 the school, an incoming wave of change.

 Now, she will attend school at the swanky new NMAJS-Early Years

 Centre, a recently inaugurated campus for the littlest of learners, set up

 at the Jio World Centre. Students from Classes 1 to 8 will move to the
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