Garbage Segregation
We pledge to keep our Mother Earth Clean and Green!
Students of Round Square have been promoting the initiative of recycling throughout the school, be it paper recycling or garbage. There are 3 disposal bins on each floor, Food waste, Paper waste and other discards. Through a recent survey and observation these students realised that the process of waste disposal in appropriate bins was not being followed by many members of the school community.
So they decided to launch an awareness campaign with a 2 pronged approach:
- 1) Awareness of the existence of the 3 disposal bins on each floor
- 2) The urgent need to segregate garbage and the correct process of disposal.
Students made banners that read: “Throw your waste, but not in a haste”. They made groups and took turns to stand near the bins on each floor, during break time and educate their peers on throwing their waste in the correct bins. They carefully guided students to throw their waste as under:
- - Left over food in the food waste bin
- - Paper plates, tissues, paper cups etc in the paper waste bin
- - Wrappers, tetra packs and other waste that didn’t fit in the food waste or paper waste category in the bin that read 'other waste'.
They requested the students to pause a moment before throwing their waste and throw it in the correct bin.
They also spread this message by visiting classrooms to spread this message.
Next they requested permission to visit the faculty rooms and talk to their teachers and convey the same message. They spoke to teachers and heads and requested them to help segregate the garbage by throwing it in the correct bin. They met with great success as there was a marked improvement in the segregation of garbage as students were seen pausing and then using the bins appropriately.
Report by Manisha Nanda