Page 28 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
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COLLEGE                                                                                                                62 offers into 18 of the Times Higher education (THE) rankings for UK Top 30 universities of which 58 offers came from 17
                                                                                                                               of the UK Russell Group universities:

                                                                                                                               2 from the University of Cambridge, 10 from Imperial College, 9 from University College London, 2 from the London School of
        COUNSELLORS’                                                                                                           Economics and Political Science, 2 from the University of Edinburgh, 7 from King's College, 4 from University of Manchester, 6 from
                                                                                                                               the University of Warwick, 2 from University of Bristol, 1 from the University of Birmingham, 2 from Queen Mary College, 1 from
                                                                                                                               University of York, 3 from Durham University, 3 from University of Nottingham, 1 from University of Leeds, 2 from University of Exeter,
        REPORT                                                                                                                 1 from Cardiff University and 4 from University of Bath.

                                                                                                                               7 offers from universities in Europe:
                                                                                                                               1 offer from Science Po in Paris, 2 for Medicine at Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 1 to Erasmus University, Rotterdam in
                                                                                                                               Netherlands, 1 to Eindhoven University of Technology in Netherlands, 1 to Technical University (TU) Delft in Netherlands and 1 to
        The  last  fourteen  months  have  been  reflective,
                                                                                                                               Bocconi University in Italy.
        thought-provoking, and an eye-opener where we
        have learnt that nothing can be taken for granted;                                                                     130 acceptances to 22 of the universities in the US News Top 30 Best Global Universities which are as follows:
        not  a  mundane  day  in  school,  not  the  stress  of
        submissions,  not  a  laboratory  experiment,  not  a                                                                  1 at Stanford University, 5 at University of California-Berkeley, 2 at Columbia University, 3 at University of Washington-Seattle, 2 at
        football  match,  not  the  scheduled  examinations                                                                    University of Cambridge, 1 at Princeton, 2 at Yale University, 19 at University of California-Los Angeles, 2 at University of Pennsylvania,
        and definitely not admissions to universities. These                                                                    2 at University of Chicago, 2 at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 41 at University of Toronto, 9 at University College London, 10 at
        were only some of the examples that impacted us                                                                        Imperial College, 10 at University of California-San Diego, 3 at Cornell University, 7 at Duke University, 3 at Northwestern University,
        directly but there were so many more macro ones                                                                        1 at University of Melbourne, 1 at University of Sydney, 2 at New York University and 2 at University of Edinburgh.
        that DAIS families, the community and the world
        have dealt with in this last year and more, which                                                                      88 acceptances into 24 of the US News and World Report Top 30 National Universities:
        has taught us, that nothing is a constant. Watching
                                                                                                                               1 at Princeton, 2 at Columbia University, 2 at Yale University, 1 at Stanford, 2 at University of Chicago, 2 at University of Pennsylvania,
        the  resilience  our  students  have  demonstrated,
                                                                                                                               3 at Northwestern University, 7 at Duke University, 2 at Brown University, 1 at Washington University-St. Louis, 3 at Cornell University,
        through these adverse times, in the way they have
                                                                                                                               2 at University of Notre Dame, 19 at University of California-Los Angeles, 5 at Emory University, 5 at University of California-Berkeley,
        adapted  to  online  schooling,  sports,  activities,
                                                                                                                               4 at Georgetown University, 2 at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 9 at University of Southern California, 7 at Carnegie Mellon
        community service and examinations has been endearing and reassures us all that 'this too shall pass' and the way forward is bright.
                                                                                                                               University, 1 at University of Virginia, 3 at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1 at Wake Forest University, 2 at New York
        Despite these tough times, the Class of 2021 applied confidently to universities across the world. They adapted to the process of   University and 2 at Tufts University.
        giving a preference to their stories over test scores. Their profiles showed compassion and sensitivity; their activities, service and
        projects revolved around making a difference to the community hit hardest by the adverse effects of the pandemic and it was inspiring   12 acceptances to 6 of the universities listed in the USA's Ivy League:
        to see universities recognize the creativity and grit shown by our students.
                                                                                                                               2 at Brown University, 3 at Cornell University, 1 at Princeton, 2 at Yale University, 2 at Columbia University and 2 at University of
        Every year, Grades 9 - 11 are introduced and trained to utilise available online resources to effectively support them through their   Pennsylvania.
        college application journey and the robust college guidance platform of Cialfo was used effectively by our school's faculty, students
        and parents, to ensure a seamless college application process. In addition, we continued to engage with students and their families on   4 acceptances to 3 of the universities listed in the QS Top 15 for Art and Design:
        Microsoft Teams through presentations, webinars and one-on-one meetings.
                                                                                                                               1 at the Rhode Island School of Design, 1 at Parsons-The New School and 2 at Pratt Institute.
        The holistic DAIS educational experience and commitment to learning continues to build the character of our students and enables
                                                                                                                               6 acceptances to 4 universities listed in the US News Top 30 Best National Liberal Arts Universities:
        them to achieve their potential thus preparing them well for a college education. Universities from around the world recognized the
        same and once again recruited our 'best and brightest! Congratulations to all students on their successful university placements!
                                                                                                                               2 in Pomona College, 1 at Wesleyan College, 2 at Barnard and 1 at Harvey Mudd College.
        Class of 2021...You have delivered!
                                                                                                                               7 acceptances have been received from 4 universities applied to in India:
        On average the Class of 2021 had an acceptance rate of 43% of their applications, with 17% achieving a 100% success rate and
        41% of the class receiving funding from 80 scholarships, totaling US$ 6,351,938 over four years. 40% of the Class of 2021 have   3 students have been admitted to Ashoka University in Delhi, 2 at Krea University, 1 at O. P. Jindal University and 1 at Flame University.
        been offered a place by their university of first choice and 73% of them have been offered a place by the University of their Top Two
        Choices as per our latest concluded survey.                                                                            Various prestigious scholarship packages were received by the Class of 2021 this year. 1 student got the full scholarship to attend New
                                                                                                                               York University in Abu Dhabi, UAE, another a full ride to Tulane University, 1 student was awarded the Lester B Pearson International
        Students have gained 412 offers of acceptance at 131 universities spanning 12 countries: Australia (4), Canada (86), France (1),
                                                                                                                               Scholarship to the University of Toronto (only 12 such scholarships are awarded world-over), 1 student received the Presidential
        Hong Kong (1), India (7), Italy (1), Ireland (2), Netherlands (3), Singapore (1) United Arab Emirates (1), United Kingdom (80) and United
                                                                                                                               Scholarship at Boston University, various students got the Outstanding Scholarship & the International Scholar Award at the University
        States of America (225).
                                                                                                                               of Toronto, 1 student was felicitated with the Egleston Scholar Award at Columbia University, 1 student received the Presidential
        92 acceptances to 17 of the universities listed in the QS World's Top 30 Universities which are as follows:            Scholarship at University of Southern California and another received a 25% tuition waiver at the Harvey Mudd College.

              1 at Stanford University, 2 at Cambridge University, 10 at Imperial College, 2 at University of Chicago, 9 at University College   In addition to the above statistics, many students are on university waitlists and these decisions, as well as final
              London, 1 at Princeton, 2 at University of Pennsylvania, 3 at Cornell University, 2 at Yale University, 2 at Columbia University,   scholarship offers and admissions to Indian and Asian universities, will be finalized throughout May, June and July.
              2 at the University of Edinburgh, 2 at the University of Michigan, 1 at the University of Hong Kong, 41 at University of Toronto,   In the end, whatever it is that our SENIORS choose to do in the next year and beyond, we know they will aspire to
              4 at University of Manchester, 3 at Northwestern University and 5 at University of California-Berkeley.          excel. All the best Class of 2021
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