Page 3 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 3
THE EPIPHANY Sustainability isn’t simply ‘reduce, reuse, recycle,’ it also
means creating a world that can outlast us and be a home for generations to
OF LIFE human race - can continue to thrive. Sustainability may seem too perplexing
come. It means changing the way we live our lives so that our race - the
and idealistic, but every small step counts. Every drop of water makes an
I walk through smoke and pandemonium, ocean. Sustainability is the path to the future, and it is our responsibility to
Encapsulated by these walls of concrete coldness walk this path, because this is our world and our home, and always will be.
And the harshness in the moaning breaths
Sustainability does not just encompass ecological goals. It is also about
Of exhaust pipes and glass skyscrapers,
bridging social divides, about helping those who don’t have as much as we
Longing for the solace of nature’s symphony,
do and eliminating the chasms of inequality, be it gender, race or social
But all I can see in these marvels of man
status. It means to provide everyone with what they need, so everyone - not
Are immense ruins birthed from ignorance,
simply men and women, or rich and poor, but all of us collectively, as a race,
Hoping for a miracle to salvage the remnants,
as a community - have a chance at a happy, healthy life. In the metropolitan
When all we truly need is to merely see, feel and hear
world that we live in, it is so easy to forget about the seven hundred million
The plea of our Mother shedding Her last tear,
people who struggle to get a glass of clean water or a warm house to return
For one little step can galvanise us into revival
to. We forget that there are people who are constantly threatened not just
And one little child can kindle Her survival.
by gunfire and artillery, but by starvation and hypothermia. It is time for us
Samiksh Jain, Grade 11 to lift up our heads, accept the harsh realities of our shattered world, and be
the change we wish to see. Let us pledge to live life with sustainable goals
directed towards protecting our planet.
Aamanya Sejpal, Grade 9
Reya Gavaskar