Page 34 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 34

EDITORIAL &                                                                                                            It was a pleasure to work closely with the Insignia team to showcase the wonderful events that took place in primary school last year - for a
                                                                                                                               year gone by, which will forever stay etched in our hearts. The creative efforts of the students show an unmatched imaginative power, and
                                                                                                                               the ability to express themselves through art and writing. We were overwhelmed by how often the kids thought out of the box and it brought
                                                                                                                               us great joy knowing that the kids are benefiting a lot by channeling their powerful imaginations into storytelling and creative writing. It also
                                                                                                                               helped us understand the magnitude of work that goes into the insignia, which made us appreciate the effort put in by everyone involved.
        ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                                                       We hope they carry on creating stories well into the coming year and beyond. - Aishani Dass, Anagha Srinivasan, Ananya Srinivasan,
                                                                                                                               Devika Kothari, Dhruv Bhalla, Sanaa Beriwala, Vivaan Turakhia
                                                                                                                               Student Editorial Team:
                                                                                                                               IGCSE G 8 & 9 - Aamanya Sejpal, Nysa Agrawal, Hrishita Shah, Drishti Agarwal, Anaaya Agrawal, Anaya Bansal, Aanya Malhotra,
                                                                                                                               Samika Jain, Tejasvi Gupta Tishaa Dutt, Sara Adukia, Meghna Pillai, Nikita Parera, Divya Karnani, Falak Shah, Aarav Nanavaty
                                                                                                                               IGCSE G 10 - Sanaa Beriwala, Anagha Srinivasan, Ananya Srinivasan, Devika Kothari, Dhruv Bhalla, Vivaan Turakhia
                                                                                                                               IBDP G 11 - Shanay Ambani, Samiksh Jain, Annette Mehta, Aakash Doshi, Aditya Bhargava
                                                                                                                               IBDP G 12 - Aishani Dass, Suakshi Soni, Eesha Bodapati, Insha Lakhani

                                                                                                                               The school year 2020-21 will be etched in our hearts forever. When virtual schooling was first introduced,
                                                                                                                               we thought of it as futuristic, unprecedented, and unknown. As the months passed by, we adjusted to this
                                                                                                                               new normal and began to delve deeper to understand the true potential of online schooling. It brought
                                                                                                                               everyone from LKG to grade 12 together, learning and growing as one. Virtual schooling  brought the world
                                                                                                                               into  our  homes  and  gave  us  the  opportunity  to  learn  the  importance  of  our  resources  and  explore
                                                                                                                               sustainability. - Valli Madhavan, Teacher Editor
                                                                                                                               The INSIGNIA Editorial Team was excited when Ms Isha Ambani Piramal declared 'Sustainability' to be this
                                                                                                                               year's theme. Students in the editorial meetings were overjoyed as the theme played a number close to their
                                                                                                                               heart; it was topic that DAIS students are heavily immersed in. Students discussed theoretical knowledge from
                                                                                                                               subjects that covered sustainability and explained how each one of them was involved in school based
                                                                                                                               environmental activities that had sustainability as the core goal.
                                                                                                                               The Insignia team was heavily invested in using the UN's Sustainable goals for the sections of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Valli Madhavan
                                                                                                                               magazine. After an approval nod from the Heads of school, student editors decided on a framework for   V alli Madhavan
                                                                                                                               the distribution of over twelve out of the seventeen sustainability goals for all classes spanning the Primary,
                                                                                                                               Middle, Senior and IB sections. Grade 8 and 9 student editors worked at scripting goal statements for every
                                                                                                                               section divider, while the senior students of Grade 11 and 12 took up responsibility to co-ordinate apprising the DAIS school community
                                                                                                                               about the class-wise themes, submissions and deadlines. Student copy editors reached out to students to write quotations to support the
                                                                                                                               theme and these have been used in every class page. Layout, design and text were well-planned for, and soon articles, poems, photographs,
                                                                                                                               videos started pouring in from students of DAIS. Essays on sustainability, art work on sustainability, poems on sustainability- the theme
                                                                                                                               resounds on every page. The Art work for all section dividers are DAIS students' creations and every section divider has a message for a
                                                                                                                               sustainability goal penned by student editors. Every page has creatively pushed forth the message that our
                                                                                                                               planet, if made sustainable, will survive and thrive. The Cover page emerged after looking at over 200
        One of the sustainability goals, which in our opinion is the most crucial one, is building partnerships to attain the goals. This is much akin to   pieces of art submissions based on the theme. The theme page this year shows an overview and two
        the journey creating this magazine has been. There are three I's in Insignia, yet we felt like there were none. Personally, getting involved with   poems, all in students' own words. Words that envisage a vision and wisdom to make our planet safe.
        students from all year groups - from having sessions to explain sustainability goals to collecting and writing pieces for the Insignia, this was an   THE INSIGNIA 2020-21 Editorial Team has endeavoured to put forth one strong, unequivocal message: Let us make
        arduous yet enriching journey. And now beholding this incredible magazine, the product of our collective effort, is the ultimate reward.   our world Sustainable. Let us value, conserve, restore and worship our planet. Every step forward ought to be a
        -Samiksh Jain and Shanay Ambani, IBDP Grade 11 - Chief Student Editors                                                 sustainable step. A step where people live in harmony with nature and each other, a step where people respect
                                                                                                                               environmental conservation, a step where we all become conscious global citizens driven towards sustainable living.
        The Insignia Club was extremely fun, and seeing the whole process behind the publication that we read and cherish every year was amazing!
        From creating banks of articles to visualizing the layout of pictures and articles, this year was extremely unique. With not many physical events   Great efforts have been put by the Editorial Team to make this year's publication eventful. This year again,
                                                                                                                               using the Microsoft Teams platform for innumerable virtual meetings, we have a digital magazine for our
        taking place, it was a challenge for the team to incorporate all the elements and achievements, but through the extensive support of our   readers. We have colourful pages with beautiful photographs art work portraying student experiences of
        heads and teachers we have been successful in our annual publication. It was a brilliant experience, and we learned so much over the last
                                                                                                                               school life this year. The surprise element…. Videos!
        year. - Nysa Agarwal, Grade 9 and Dhrishti Agarwal, Grade 8 - Student Copy Editors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nisha Maniar
                                                                                                                               Happy reading and happy viewing! - Nisha Maniar, Teacher Editor                       Nisha Maniar
        An insignia is a badge of honour - and working with this creative, brilliant team definitely has been one. Insignia created an almost magical
        space for us, where our ideas were always entertained, and we could all contribute to this publication. We have always seen the magazine in
        print, and being a part of this club was a lot like going behind-the-scenes, watching it come together, piece by piece. Co-ordinating online   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
        with teachers and classmates has been truly different. An unforgettable experience, working towards culminating the magazine has been a
        wonderful experience. This year has been exceptionally unique because we created this magazine online. Even though the circumstances   INSIGNIA 202-21 successfully saw fruition  due to immense co-ordination and co-operation from the entire DAIS community.  First and
        were not ideal, Insignia has been an amazing, unforgettable experience. - Samika Jain, Tejasvi Gupta from Grade 8, Aamanya Sejpal   foremost, we wish to express deepest gratitude to our Chairperson Mrs. Nita Ambani, for her steadfast support and guidance. We are in
        from Grade 9 - Student Copy Editors                                                                                    deepest gratitude towards Vice Chairperson Mrs. Isha Ambani Piramal, for her foresightedness in selecting SUSTAINABILITY as this year's
                                                                                                                               theme. Her eye for detail and her advice on the choice of student art work for the Cover and Section dividers have helped make our
        Being a part of the Insignia club has been one of the most valuable experiences of this year. We are thankful for the opportunity to implement   publication profoundly meaningful. The Heads of our school have been our strongest guiding force. We thank them for trusting us and giving
        our ideas in this issue. Although virtual school made it more difficult to communicate with one another, in some ways it made it easier. Even   us this responsibility. Mr. Abhimanyu Basu, Dean of Academics, has been instrumental in setting goals for integrity and accountability with his
        though most of us worked with students much younger than us, the tension washed away quickly and it became more fun than it was
        tedious. - Aakash Doshi and Annette Mehta, IBDP Grade 11 Student Heads for Design and Layout                           vision to bring every school experience alive in this publication. A sincere 'Thank you' to Ms. Zarene Munshi (Consultant and Advisor to the
                                                                                                                               Chairperson), Ms. Farida Taraporevala (Head-Primary), Ms. Mahrookh Tangri (Deputy Head-Primary) and Ms. Vimi Lima Santos (Deputy Head,
        Being a part of the editorial team of Insignia 2021 was an unforgettable experience. Being able to coordinate projects, working with each   Learning and Research, Primary), Ms. Anjana Roy (Head, National Curriculum -Middle and Secondary School), Ms. Shiney Verghese (Deputy
        other, talking to teachers and collecting materials was a great way to socialize on an online platform. While getting the magazine together   Head, National Curriculum - Middle and Secondary School)   Mr. Micheal Shields (Head-International Curriculum) and Ms. Sonali Bajaj
        through online means was troublesome at times, and it would become hard to coordinate with everyone, the support from our teachers and   (Deputy Head- International Curriculum). Our Heads of school have held our hands in support, at every stage of this publication. We are also
        fellow team members kept us motivated. We really hope everyone's effort and hard work will be evident through Insignia 2020-2021and   thankful to all our school Co-ordinators, who have contributed effortlessly to help liaison with teachers and students. DAIS Faculty and Staff
        that the entire editorial team cherishes this experience as much as we did. - Anaya Bansal and Anaaya Agrawal from Grade 8 - Student   members deserve a strong mention of appreciation for collecting experiences of student work. We thank the Arts
        Copy Editors and Layout Team                                                                                           Department for providing a mammoth amount of student art work on the theme of sustainability. The Sports Department
                                                                                                                               is appreciated for compiling student achievement. The IT Department have enabled proactive on-line support. We
              The Insignia Club has surely been one of my most memorable experiences from this year. Collecting data for the Insignia was an
                                                                                                                               humbly thank the Reliance Branding Team for layout, design and videography, especially for being accessible to us at all
              extremely enriching experience as I realized the mammoth amount of work that goes into creating the magazine. Additionally,   odd hours. The biggest cheer is truly for all our DAIS students for their pointed dedication to contribute towards making
              working together and collaborating with others has been an elevating learning experience. - Hrishita Shah, Grade 9 Student Copy   this year's magazine a joyful experience.
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