Page 268 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
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                             “How technology promotes diversity,

            inclusion and equity and is a celebration of the resilience,

                        creativity, and determination of our youth.”

                    A platform for students, educators and the community, to express their                                      Ms Jennifer Bahrami and Mr Timothy Logan - Festival of Hope
                innovative ideas and share their unique perspectives. Together, we will explore                                 Co-Directors, Mr Matt Costello- Chief Business Development
                                                                                                                                Officer, Dr Nicole Bien - Chief Schools Officer, Mrs Isha Ambani   Mr Olli Pekka Heinonen in conversation with DAIS ALUMNI:
                        new ways to create a more inclusive and equitable future for all.
                                                                                                                                Piramal - Vice-Chairperson , Mr Abhimanyu Basu - CEO and   Ushma Ghatlia Marwah (Class of 2006, IB Class of 2008),
                                                                                                                                Dean, Mr Olli Pekka Heinonen - Director General of the IB, and   Sukriti Y. J. (Class of 2006, IB Class of 2008), Ranveer
                                             KEY NOTE SPEAKERS                                                                  Mr Mahesh Balakrishnan Development and Recognition    Allahabadia (ICSE Class of 2005) and Om Dhumatkar (Head
                                                                                                                                                                                      Boy, 1st Graduating DAIS IBDP Class of 2005)
                                                                                                                                Manager (India and Nepal).

                                             “Education holds the key to transforming lives, breaking barriers, and shaping a                       DAIS STUDENTS ORGANISING COMMITTEE
                                             brighter future for all. In education, technology is the single largest enabler to
                                             make learning more accessible, exciting, & enjoyable. Technology has permeated
                                                                                                                                             I enjoy sharing ideas and collaborating with
                                             every aspect of our existence and holds an incredible power to shape a brighter                 diverse people for a better future. Working with     I enjoy events which build on community,
                                             future for all in promoting diversity, inclusion, and equity. And in today's digital            a spirited community to inspire others is            connection, and creativity. I also appreciate the
                                             age, giving wings to hope is technology. It is an honour for Dhirubhai Ambani                   something I have always been passionate about,       chance to know more about stories of hope that
                                                                                                                                             and the Festival of Hope will serve as a platform    have inspired others.
                                             International School to host the Festival of Hope. Hope is a powerful thing. It is
                                                                                                                                Hrishita Shah   for the same.                          Yana Shah
                                             an instrument of change. The first step to a new reality, a brighter tomorrow.”     CONNECTION                                             STRENGTH
                                             Ms. Isha Ambani Piramal – Vice Chairperson
                                                                                                                                                                                                  I love organising events of a large scale, such as
                                                                                                                                             To me, hope is the strength to fight for a better     this one, and I believe that this will be a great
                                                                                                                                             future. I aspire to make the world around me a       platform for sharing ideas and experiences that
                                                                                                                                             more equitable place for everyone in it.
           “The 'Festival of Hope' is an initiative towards guiding all stakeholders to achieve the IB                                                                                            will strengthen our community.
           Learner Profile- with focus on developing knowledgeable and caring young people. The                                  Aneesh Kumar                                        Anishka Manawat
                                                                                                                                 RESILIENCE                                             DREAM
           'Festival of Hope' carries a brilliant tagline – THINK BOLDLY. INQUIRE BRAVELY. ACT
           TOGETHER. It's an honour for Dhirubhai Ambani International School to host this event that                                                                                             I think that kindness goes a long way in
           was conceptualized and promoted by IB globally, to unite us at this challenging times. The                                        I believe that hope is what helps us keep going      restoring hope for a better tomorrow. Putting a
                                                                                                                                             in difficult times, and by organising this event,
           Festival of Hope has left us with a renewed sense of optimism. We hope that the spirit of                                                                                              smile on someone’s face gives them a shimmer
                                                                                                                                             we are providing a platform for the community
           hope and positivity that we have witnessed here today into our lives and make a difference in                                     to gather and share ideas and stories that will      of hope that bad times are temporary, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  everything will be just fine, and I would love to
           our communities.” Abhimanyu Basu - Dean & CEO                                                                                     empower us.                                          be a part of a mission that promotes this idea.
                                                                                                                                Dhrriti Yagnik                                        Vansh Bhatia
                                                                                                                               PERSEVERANCE                                            KINDNESS

                                    “The Festival of Hope started with the vision to support impactful ideas and conversations               I believe hope is what drives us to be better        I believe that by sharing our stories, talents, and
                                    that translate to positive action. The exhibits by the students in New Delhi and Mumbai have             people and make better decisions for our future.     kindness, we can create a ripple effect of hope
                                    proven to be powerful testimonials of this vision.                                                       I would love to share and learn more about           that will touch the lives of many and make a
                                    We at International Baccalaureate believe in facilitating high quality education for a better and more   others' stories.                                     positive impact on our world.
                                    peaceful world. As we stay committed to this cause, we are proud of the progress we've made in the   Mahika Goyal                                 Aditya Gupta
                                    country so far.                                                                             MOTIVATION                                             AMBITION
                                    Our partnerships with Delhi Board of Secondary Education (DBSE) and with the Haryana                     Hope has, for centuries, been the guiding light
                                    School Education Board, will help us deliver high quality education in state-run schools. We             in the seemingly bottomless Pandora's box of         Being hopeful for our future is vital today, more
                                    are also expecting a 31% increase in the implementation of our programmes across India as                despair, illuminating the frontiers of a glorious    than ever. I believe the Festival of Hope is a
                                                                                                                                             tomorrow. The Festival of Hope channels that
                                    we keep empowering learners to thrive and make a difference.                                             energy into a concrete reality, and I believe that   powerful platform to spread the message of
                                    What we have experienced over the last few days was truly phenomenal and has                             by contributing to this event, I can aid in the      hope and propagate positive change to help our
                                                                                                                                             spread of hope as a beacon of inspiration and
                                    strengthened our conviction in the potential of the students, and the in the IB curriculum.”   Khushi Joshi  change to provide a better future for the   Aryan Kaushal  world, and this is why I chose to be a part of.
                                    Mr. Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Director General, International Baccalaureate                         FAITH     community that I reside in.                CHANGE

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