Page 14 - DAIS Insignia 2023-2024
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The Student Care department expanded at the start of AY   our ongoing efforts to strengthen alumni relations, DAIS has
                                                                                                                                 2023-24, including the addition of three new counsellors,   partnered  with  Univariety  as  our  alumni  management
                                                                                                                                 one sensory specialist for the early years and one new special   platform. The Univariety Alumni Impact Program focuses on
                                                                                                                                 educator. The department collaborated closely with teachers,   Alumni  Management,  Engagement,  and  Networking,
                                                                                                                                 therapists, and families, conducted workshops, and worked   facilitating  connections  between  alumni  and  their  alma
                                                                                                                                 with an in-house sensory specialist. They also introduced a   mater, batchmates, seniors, and juniors. This platform also
                                                                                                                                 digital e-IEP system, facilitated guided reading groups, and   provides  learning  and  upskilling  opportunities  for  alumni,
                                                                                                                                 mentored  students.  Wellbeing  and  mental  health  were   while concurrently onboarding high school students to the
                                                                                                                                 prioritised  through  weekly  lessons  and  the  annual   platform from Class 9 upwards, enabling them to seek career
                                                                                                                                 Cambridge well-being survey, identifying areas for additional   advice and gain diverse perspectives from alumni. The DAIS
                                                                                                                                 SEL  work  next  year.  The  team  has  documented  detailed   Alumni newsletter - DAISPORA Journal assimilates stories of
                                                                                                                                 guidelines  in  the  Student  Care  Handbook  for  the  referral   expertise,  connections  and  achievements  of  our  alumni
                                                                                                                                 process,  psycho-educational  testing,  nature  of  services   community. It is published quarterly and highlights alumni
                                                                                                                                 provided, protocols to be followed for access arrangements   achievements and their career journeys.
                                                                                                                                 etc. which we plan to share with parents in the next year   Once again, our students have achieved outstanding results
                                                                                                                                 through the Parent Handbook.
                                                                                                                                                                                      in the ICSE, IGCSE and IB Diploma examinations. On average,
                                                                                                                                 We are not just integrating technology into classrooms; it's   the Class of 2024 had a university acceptance rate of 57%
                                                                                                                                 creating  a  dynamic  learning  ecosystem.  As  a  Microsoft   of their applications, and 52% of the class achieved more
                                                                                                                                 Showcase School since 2021, our classrooms are interactive   than  50%  acceptances.  38%  of  the  class  received
                    DEAN & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER                                                                               hubs  where  a  variety  of  software,  from  Microsoft  365  to   scholarships – a total of 60 scholarships – amounting to US$
                                                                                                                                                                                      4,111,288. Students have gained 422 admission offers at
                                                                                                                                 Adobe Creative Cloud, fuels student creativity. Students craft
                                                                                                                                 presentations in Canva, design eBooks in Book Creator, and   126  universities  spanning  8  countries.  Of  this,  61
                                 Mr. Abhimanyu Basu                                                                              collaborate  on  Padlet  walls.  Toddle,  our  Learning   acceptances to 14 of the QS World's Top 30 Universities; 55
                                                                                                                                                                                      offers to 14 of the UK Top 30 universities in the Times Higher
                                                                                                                                 Management System, keeps everything organised, allowing
                                                                                                                                 teachers  to  seamlessly  plan  units,  document  learning   Education (THE) rankings; and 93 acceptances to 17 of the US
                                                                                                                                 journeys, and track student progress in real-time. This robust   News Top 30 Best Global Universities.
                                                                                                                                 tech  integration  ensures  clear  communication,  fosters
          As we reflect on another remarkable year at DAIS, our chosen   ambitious  curriculum  plans,  and  clear  definition  of  global                                              These results have further consolidated the standing of DAIS
          theme,  ‘The  branches  are  diverse,  but  the  roots  stand   citizenship.  Areas  for  development  include  the  need  for   collaboration,  and  provides  targeted  support,  making   as one of the Top IB Schools in the world. Education Advisers,
          unified’,  beautifully  encapsulates  the  essence  of  our   diverse  teaching  methods  and  adapting  to  new  learning   learning at DAIS a truly engaging and impactful experience.   UK, has ranked DAIS among the Top 20 IB schools in the
          institution. This phrase signifies the rich diversity within our   spaces.                                              Continuing our commitment to integrating innovative digital   World and the No. 1 IB School in India. DAIS also ranked
          student body, faculty, and staff while highlighting the shared                                                         tools,  this  year  we  launched  a  comprehensive  School   as the No. 1 IB school in the world with the highest number of
          values and mission that unite us. Our community thrives on   On 1 November 2023, coinciding with the birthday of our   Enterprise  Resource  Planning  (ERP)  software  to  streamline   perfect scores of 45 points. EducationWorld has ranked us
          this diversity, drawing strength from our varied backgrounds,   Founder and Chairperson, Smt. Nita Ambani, we unveiled   and automate various administrative processes. This software   the No. 1 International School in India, and Times of India
          perspectives, and talents. Yet, it is our common commitment   the Nita Mukesh Ambani Junior School (NMAJS) as a new    integrates  multiple  modules  covering  aspects  such  as   has  ranked  us  the  No.  1  ‘National  +  International
          to  excellence,  integrity,  and  innovation  that  forms  the   institution of learning. With the opening of the Nita Mukesh   admissions, student information management, attendance   Curriculum’  School  in  Mumbai.  We  were  also  ranked
          bedrock of our collective identity. Together, we continue to   Ambani Junior School (NMAJS) in August 2024, Dhirubhai   tracking,  fee  collection,  transport  management,  canteen   among the Top 10 Schools in the World (outside of the US
          nurture  an  environment  where  every  individual  is   Ambani International School (DAIS) will be restructured into   payment,  and  medical  records,  all  accessible  through  a   and UK) by the HSBC Hurun Global High Schools ranking
          empowered to grow and flourish, contributing to the vibrant   two separate schools. NMAJS will offer Nursery (PYP-Early   dedicated parent portal.                           in 2023.
          tapestry that makes DAIS exceptional.                Years)  to  Class  VIII  (MYP),  while  DAIS  will  become  a
                                                               Secondary School – it will offer IGCSE (Classes VIII to X), the IB   Our  students  excel  in  robotics,  winning  national  and   These spectacular accolades are a testament to our students'
          The last academic year was marked by multiple accreditation   Diploma (Classes XI and XII), and also the ICSE (Classes IX and   international  awards,  including  the  FRC  Gracious   abundant talents and their resolute efforts to excel, as well as
          visits for our three IB Programmes, including authorisation   X)  which  will  phase  out  in  March  2026.  The  schools  will   Professionalism  Award,  FTC  National  Championship,  and   the dedication and commitment of our teachers. I want to
          visits for the PYP and MYP, and a five-year review for the DP.   operate  from  three  campuses:  the  NMAJS  Pre-Primary   WRO  National  Champions.  DAIS  MUN  fosters  global   acknowledge the countless hours of hard work, creativity,
          The PYP visit commended our commitment to a constructivist   Campus at Jio World Centre for Nursery, LKG, and UKG (PYP-  awareness  and  diplomatic  skills,  highlighted  by  DAIMUN   and collaboration our teachers have invested in shaping our
          approach,  strong  governance,  open  communication,  and   Early Years), the new NMAJS campus adjacent to the existing   2023,  which  attracted  430  students  worldwide.  Round   educational  programmes  and  enhancing  the  learning
          collaborative culture. Key areas for growth include increasing   DAIS campus for PYP Classes I to V and MYP Classes VI to VIII   Square IDEALS are integral, with student-led events like Earth   experience  for  our  students.  Your  passion,  expertise,  and
          inquiry-based learning and teacher capacity in assessment.   and the existing DAIS campus which will be renovated and   Day and sustainability initiatives, using innovative tools like   tireless commitment have brought us to this point.
          The DP review in October 2023 was equally positive, praising   temporarily host the DAIS Secondary School.             an  animatronic  robot  to  teach  empathy.  These  activities
          our  mature  IB  implementation,  strategic  planning,                                                                 integrate  real-world  issues  with  tech  solutions,  inspiring   My sincere gratitude and appreciation go to our Founder &
          sustainability focus, student-centric approach, effective use   All students currently in LKG to Class VII at DAIS will transfer   younger  students  and  promoting  a  holistic  education   Chairperson,  Smt.  Nita  M.  Ambani  and  our  Vice-
          of  technology,  and  strong  support  systems.  The  MYP   to NMAJS at the end of the Academic Year 2023-24, and      through commitment, exploration, and leadership.     Chairperson, Mrs. Isha Ambani Piramal, for their visionary
          verification  team  praised  our  ATL  development,  articulate   students completing MYP Class VIII at NMAJS will progress to                                               and  inspirational  leadership.  We  take  this  opportunity  to
          students, open communication, commitment to service and   IGCSE  Class  IX  at  DAIS  Secondary  School.  New  students   The  DAISPORA  Alumni  Meet'24,  held  at  DAIS  in  January   convey our sincere thanks to our Board of Governors.
          well-being, and assessment choices.                  admitted for the Academic Year 2024-25 will start in NMAJS        2024, brought together over 600 alumni and their spouses
                                                               or DAIS based on their grade level.     In May and June, our      from  more  than  20  countries,  representing  diverse   Heartfelt  gratitude  also  to  all  our  Heads,  Deputy  Heads,
          Following  an  18-month  self-study,  we  are  pleased  to   students, teachers, and staff visited the new NMAJS campus   professions  and  backgrounds.  This  vibrant  get-together   Programme  Coordinators,  Curriculum  Coordinator,  Sports
          announce that DAIS has successfully received reaccreditation   to familiarise themselves with the learning spaces, ensuring a   included entrepreneurs, bankers, environmentalists, sports   Director,  MUN  Director,  Round  Square  Coordinator,  the
          from  both  CIS  and  NEASC  in  December  2023.  This   seamless transition when we commence the new academic         enthusiasts,  and  creative  professionals,  fostering  a  rich   Student  Care  team,  the  College  Counselling  team,  the
          achievement underscores our commitment to student well-  year in August 2024. We know that the entire DAIS and         tapestry of experiences and expertise. The event served as a   Learning Centre Team, and especially, to all our Faculty and
          being, high-quality teaching and learning, global citizenship,   NMAJS community is excitedly looking forward to the new   platform for alumni to share invaluable insights and success   Administration Team. They have worked tirelessly to provide
          and intercultural education. The visiting team highlighted our   campus and developmental initiatives we have been working                                                  the best education to all our students.
          unified  and  cohesive  community,  deeply  rooted  in  Indian   on  for  the  last  few  years.  Built  around  the  principle  of   stories during panel discussions on 'Careers and College,'
          culture  and  heritage,  and  noted  our  safe  environment   flexibility to focus on personalised learning, the new spaces   offering  current  students  valuable  learning  opportunities.   With best wishes and warm regards
          focused on continuous improvement. Strengths included our   will allow for greater collaboration, and differentiation, and   Following the talks, informal networking sessions allowed
          strategic  vision,  confident  leadership,  financial  stability,   let each child learn at their own pace.              attendees to engage with alumni across various sectors. In   Abhimanyu Basu

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