P. 48
Alumni Trivia
Getting Rich Your Breakdancing Completing a
Own Way by Brian Triathlon
DAIS empowered me with confidence and through action. Exposure to the IB program,
equipped me with the tools to take risks & seize with a diverse group of teachers from all over
opportunities that life has to offer. the world, inspired me to become an
independent thinker and be curious about the
Throughout my life, I have taken on challenges world beyond my bubble. However, the learning
and accomplished what others have deemed didn’t end in the classroom. Our teachers went
impossible. At 22, I partnered up with a few above and beyond to expose us to knowledge,
friends to establish a digital agency that has and motivate us to do more with our lives. Mr
become one of India’s most successful Coleman was one such teacher who left a
independent agencies and recognised for our permanent imprint on me, having lived and
excellence by international platforms such as worked in multiple environments, including
the Webby Awards. At 30, I was recruited by war-torn Yemen. I learned the importance of
Barclays Bank in the UK to lead their transition serving others, primarily to support people who
from a pure-play bank into a platform business don’t have the same opportunities as I did.
and engineered one of the largest Bank-Tech
partnerships in the UK with Amazon. And more Today, I am building a platform that will
recently, I have established a neo-bank in India, hopefully create opportunities for millions of
in collaboration with an RBI-licensed bank, to people to rise, and build their confidence to
enhance the financial resilience of millions of dream a little bit more. Many of the
underbanked people in India, with a heightened communities I serve today are living in slums
focus on women from low-income, within 30 minutes of our school, which makes
ZAHOOR Zahoor Rahimtoola is currently a marginalised communities, and youth. my work even more meaningful. To make this
dream a reality, I look forward to partnering
with my daring & driven DAIS community to
I have truly embraced and embodied the
RAHIMTOOLA fintech entrepreneur building Saathi, a school’s mantra and tried to exemplify that build a better future for every Indian.
neo-banking platform backed by an
RBI-licensed bank to enhance financial
Class of 2005 resilience, with a focus on youth and
women from lower-income,
marginalised communities.