Page 121 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 121

STUDENT COUNCIL                                           Standing here before you today is nothing short of a dream. To be
                                                           completely honest, I did go through our IGCSE writing conventions on
                                                           several occasions, in order to make this as impactful and as perfect as
                                                           possible, but what I have come to realize is that none of that is necessary,
 The 21st of March, 2007, my first                          because today, this is just going to be a genuine, heartfelt address from
 day at DAIS, was one of the best                          me to every single one of you.
 days  of  my  life.  I  was  an
 incredibly  shy  child  with  high                        I still remember the time back in 5th grade, when my Cub Captain
 expectations  of  this  school.                           tenure had just ended and a friend asked me what my best memory in
 Everyone  had  told  my  parents
 and me that the students at DAIS                          the council was. I replied saying 'The cake we ate in the Board Room, on
 are happy, the opportunities are                          the first day we were announced an captains.' (Thankfully the cake was
 unreal,  and  the  faculty  only                          eggless). But today, what strikes me is the realization that more than just
 wants the best for each student.
 At  that  age  I  couldn't  quite                         the badge, and definitely more than just the cake, what mattered was
 comprehend  what  this  meant,                            the kind of person I was, and the kind of impact I created. This year, more
 but all I thought was, this sounds                        than anything, I want you to try and make an impact, you to try and
 amazing!  I  can't  wait.  Now,                           achieve a goal, you to try and change someone's life, you to try and
 having  been  in  this  school  for
 o v e r   5 , 0 0 0   d a y s ,   I   c a n               inspire someone, and you to try and make memories that will last you a
 confidently tell you that all this,                        lifetime. And, friends, I promise, that given the responsibilities bestowed
 and so much more is true about                            upon me, I will put my heart and soul, into doing the very same.
 our school and I still can't wait
 for every single school day!
                                                           If there's one thing that I have learned in the past 13 years, it is that the
 Our school has given me the opportunity to grow from a child who was scared of making new friends to one who is constantly trying to. I've   experiences and opportunities that this wonderful institution provides us with will always help pave the way to our futures. The wonderful
 grown from a girl who was underconfident to one who is able to articulate herself in front of in front of a large audience. This school has
 thrown curve balls at me countless times, whether it was going to Germany in Grade 8 with a group of seniors I didn't know at all or   staff and faculty that make this institution so special, will always be our first pillars of guidance and support. And the wonderful people that
 encouraging me to continue with Ad-Math despite having done horribly on my first test. These moments, and several others, have been my   we see in our classrooms every day, will remain special friends who we can count upon to be there when we need them the  most. I know
 greatest learning experiences. They've helped me become responsible, self-motivated, and have expanded my comfort zone letting me dare   you're all wondering why I used the word 'wonderful' thrice, but I can assure you it's not because I'm out of adjectives, it's because, just the
 to dream, and learn to excel at my own pace.
        way I remember our English teachers reiterating how important repetition is for a good written piece, the learnings and values we take away
 By helping me learn these skills, DAIS has become a place which represents curiosity, growth and betterment to me. It's here where I feel
 comfortable to explore new things and to experience new adventures. And, this is possible only because of the constantly encouraging   from school will remain with us for a lifetime.
 nature and the selflessness of our school's Heads, teachers, non-teaching staff and its brilliant student body.
        It was only months ago, when our very own housekeeping staff performed on stage on Republic Day, and we acknowledged their
 On 29th August 2017, Mumbai was flooded, and on my way home my bus was stuck in the rains for over 6 hours. I recollect being terrified.
 Everyone in my bus was fearful and anxious, until the School called the bus back. As we approached school, my anxiety seemed to lessen. The   performance with a standing ovation. Or when our bus staff collated a heart-warming video on Bus Safety, and we all re-posted it on our
 main gate was open, just like a mother's arms, to give us a comforting hug. The safety and security we felt in the school building was   Instagram stories. To me, personally, it is these moments when I feel most proud to be a part of our school, when I feel warm and
 incredible. Our school's amazing security staff ushered us inside the auditorium where Miss Munshi, Miss Taraporevala, Cawas Sir, Miss   overwhelmed on the inside, and when I truly realize that the sense of acceptance and inclusion that every single one of us experiences does
 Madhavan, Hari Sir, and several other heads and teachers greeted us warmly, consoling any crying student. Sister, housekeeping, security and
 cafeteria staff had all stayed back to help us as well. This act of selflessness by our school's faculty and staff who stayed back with us,   complete justice to the term 'family'.
 instead of going back to their own homes, truly represented the school's family spirit. I've never felt so safe and cherished, anywhere other
 than home.   Today, we are faced with unprecedented times, and a future of uncertainty. Although, we will put our best foot forward to adapt to the
        changes that surround us and try and conduct virtual events as seamlessly as possible, we will need your support, your enthusiasm, and your
 Having said this, I think it's only right to say a huge thank you to all our heads, teachers and non-teaching staff members, for not only making
 sure we get the best education available but also for always ensuring our well-being, safety and happiness. Our chairperson, Nita ma'am and   effort. At the end of the day, a student council is nothing without your involvement and your participation, and I promise that we will provide
 vice chairperson, Isha ma'am, thank you for creating this institution and for making it one in which each of us can flourish. To my family,   you with the perfect platform to display your talents and explore your interests. And so, this year, I want each and every one of you to explore
 friends, and all the previous councils, thank you for being my pillars of
 support, my role-models, and my guiding light.   something new and unique. After all, it wasn't until I swam at swimming gala that I realized I couldn't swim or danced at farewell that I
 To the Student Council, there aren't enough words to express how   realized I couldn't dance. On a more serious note, it isn't until you try something new, that you make a memory worth remembering. And
 excited I am to have the opportunity to get to know and work with each   with the countless opportunities that school provides us with, we can make countless memories, that literally allows us to 'Dare to Dream,
 of you. Over this year, I truly believe that we have gone from being a   and Learn to Excel'.
 group of individuals to a single unit with a common goal. We have
 become  a  true  team:  one  which  motivates  each  other,  works   Vikram, Shanaya, outgoing council, all of you have been nothing but an inspiration over the past year. We only hope to reach the bar you have
 collaboratively and tries to produce the best possible outcome in the   set for us and fulfil and hopefully exceed your expectations. The ease with which all of you have conducted events despite the circumstances,
 most efficient, creative and fun manner.
 Lastly, to the most amazing and multi-talented student body, we are   is beyond commendable, and so thank you for setting a most ideal example for us to follow.
 always here to serve you, to make your days more fun with a ton of
 creative inter-house events. We aspire to make this year memorable for   Neeta Ma'am, Isha Ma'am, Heads and teachers, Thank you for believing in me and entrusting me with this prestigious position. I am beyond
 each one of you and to help you discover something new about yourself   grateful for your love and support, and promise to not let you down. You have imbibed in me the core values that have made me the person
 along the way. We are here to represent you, to help you showcase your   that I am today, and so not for a second will I hesitate to give back to the school, a small representation of my gratitude and my appreciation.
 incredible  talents.  I  encourage  you  to  wholeheartedly  participate  in   You are my pillars, and so thank you for keeping me grounded and focused.
 events even if they lie outside your comfort zone and hope that each of
 you will feel comfortable coming to us with your ideas and suggestions   To the students sitting before me, we are always here for you, and we represent your voices. Don't be afraid to approach any one of us at any
 for events, or even just for a chat!
        given point in time. We're just one Teams Call away!
 Our school has allowed that shy girl who walked through its hallowed
 gates on her first day of LKG to become an 11th grader who has been   And to the Student Council, Congratulations. COVID might have ruined a year of our lives, so let's make this one twice as
 entrusted with the privilege of representing its remarkable student body.                                 N I
 To everyone in our school, thank you, once again, for making me who I   memorable. I have complete trust and confidence in you and am grateful to be able to work with each of you.  S  T  A
 am today, for entrusting me with this incredible opportunity, and for                                U      ABILITY
 having faith in me. I am truly honoured to be your Head Girl.   Thank you!                           S
 - Arzoo Usgaonkar, Head Girl 2020-21  - Ahaan Bhansali, Head Boy 2020-2021
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