Page 122 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 122

Testament of camaraderie, tough mind-set and individuality of the Tiger House                   Partnership and Teamwork in the Lion House

                                   The greatest strength of the Tiger House lies in its spirit of camaraderie. During these unprecedented   Ask any Lion what their House means to them, and you'll find them at a loss for words. This is
                                   times, our school moved on to an online platform and so did our events. Indeed, staring at a screen   because the Lion House isn't just a team, it's a family. It's a community of talented, supportive and
                                   for hours on end is challenging, exhausting even. However, this obstacle did not deter our fellow   enthusiastic individuals, it's an opportunity for students to try something new, and it's a chance for
                                   Tigers. Despite spending a full school day staring at the screen for hours, our participants were   them to unleash their creative side.
                                   enthusiastic about taking part in various online events. Our very first event was inter-house chess.
                                                                                                                                   One thing the Lion House is known for is its participation. And Lions participate in large numbers!
            We organised practice sessions to help participants adjust to the online platform. During these sessions, we observed participants
            helping each other not only with the technical difficulties but also giving tips and tricks to help improve each other's games.   Despite events being conducted virtually this year, we saw an outstanding response from the house- participants who showed
            Although events like Inter House Art, Essay Writing, and Indian and Western Music have been individual events, students have   great enthusiasm for taking part in events. Lions came to support their peers at events, and students who didn't even know how to
            worked together to ensure that events run smoothly. Online events have challenged each and every one of us. Yet, members of the   play a sport signed up nevertheless. But what's even better to see is that whenever a student from any house was facing an issue,
            Tiger house embraced the challenge.                                                                                    the Lions were always ready to lend a hand. Students don't stop participating and forever maintain the true Lion spirit!
            This display of enthusiasm by our participants is a sheer testament to the fact that for a Tiger, shared victories outweigh individual   While we are grateful to our students for keenly participating in all events and making the Lion house the community that it is, our
            successes. From congratulating each other on WhatsApp groups to uplifting and motivating each other in times of failure, Tigers                               House teachers and parents deserve a special thanks for their efforts to help
            have always been there for each other. The small Tiger House symbol etched                                                                                    the Lion house improve and succeed. From helping students participate in
            onto the sleeves of our PE T-shirts has been a unifying factor that has truly                                                                                 events, to providing feedback on performances, and always keeping morale
            transcended the barrier of online school.                                                                                                                     high, our house teachers have played a vital role in the growth of the house.
                                                                                                                                                                          Additionally, our house parents, who have supported us during this pandemic
            After all, no two Tigers are the same. Although each of us bear different                                                                                     and accommodated changes to ensure that events take place smoothly from
            stripes, marks of our experience and individuality, our fiery orange skin, a                                                                                   their homes. We thank everyone for the hard work and support. It helped us
            symbol of our burning passion, is a characteristic we all share. Whether placed                                                                               succeed!
            in a field, on a stage, or even in front of a computer, a Tiger will never stop
            roaring. And when we roar together, we roar the loudest.

                                                                                                                                                          Pride,  Power and  Perseverance for the Panther House
            Energetic, Enthusiatic and determined Jaguar House
                                                                                                                                                          The pride we take in each other's victory; the power we wield when we stand together; the
            The feeling of energy and belonging, limitless enthusiasm, and resolute determination are just a few                                          perseverance we show towards achieving our goals. This motto is the foundation of the Panther
            aspects of the indomitable spirit of the Jaguar House. For us, house spirit is so much more than just a                                       house's unwavering determination and drive. And at the core of it all, is the faith we have in our
            phrase. It lies in the rush of power as we chant 'Hu Ha Hu Ha' with unyielding aggression. It is the                                          teamwork and the collective bond we share as a house within the school we love. This motivates us,
                                                                                                                                                          right from the very first day of school, up till the nerve-wracking seconds before the announcement
            passion with which we urge on a fellow Jaguar irrespective of their age, position or the event. And
                                                                                                                                   of House Cup results.
            moreover, it lies in our vibrant colour which brings us together as one family, a family adamant to
            excel.  Throughout  this  year,  the  Jaguar  House,  with  its  impassioned  participation  and  fierce  contenders,  has  proved  its   What is the Panther house? The house is an amalgamation of the soul of every Panther - every Panther who wears blue proudly at
            determination to strive towards victory.                                                                               every sports day and waves their flags and posters with conviction and desire. Every student who has the honour of being a part of
                                                                                                                                   this House, leaves behind a lofty legacy. It is the collective effort of every house member towards attaining a common goal: the
            In the course of this year, rather than focusing on what was easy and safe, we compelled our participants to step out of their
                                                                                                                                   prestigious House Cup.
            comfort zones by taking risks that ended up not only benefitting the house but also enriching the participants' experiences. Positive
            contributions such as participating in new events or choosing challenging songs to sing, helped our House members discover their   A simple “GO PANTHERS” or the house song bears a significance beyond the mere words it is constituted by - it is the voice of every
            own talents and find unexpected interests.                                                                              panther who stands up and chants fervently at every house assembly. It is the contagious enthusiasm and support we show for each
                                                                                                                                   other, whether it is at an event or on our group chats, that has helped us elevate ourselves, grow stronger, and stay focused.
            This past year, especially, has seen the Jaguar's fiery passion and undying ambition, evident through our victories of the House Cup
                                                                                                                                   The secret to our success lies in the fact that no individual or no single house council could ever influence the attachment and loyalty
            and the COVID cup. This is the result of enthusiastic participation from every Jaguar, no matter the event or age category. This new
                                                                                                                                   that we have to our house. Our strength lies in our ability to strive for redemption and help each other rise after every fall - from the
            year, our victories in Indian Music, Western Music and Under – 14 Chess are the result of the passion, fierce determination and
                                                                                                                                   depths of failure, we rise to the top.
            unyielding love for this house which flows through the veins of each and every Jaguar. This unmatched feeling of pride is what truly
            makes the Jaguars stand out against the other cats.                                                                    Every year, the Panthers evolve both individually and collectively. Each year, we come back stronger than the last, capitalizing on the
                                                                                                                                   opportunities that we missed the previous year, in a manner that is nothing short of incredulous to an outsider. Whether it's starting
            “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Each and every one of us work
                                                                                                                                   the year with a winning streak or celebrating a simple victory with every house member, we, as the Panther house council, can say
                                                   together in perfect harmony, no matter what. Deep down, this is because we      with immense confidence that the Panther house and its passionate posse never fails to deliver.
                                                   know who we are. We know what we are. We are Jaguars, and that is enough.
                                                   We've stuck together through thick and thin, unfalteringly helping each other                                          At the end of the day, the common sentiment among all Panthers is one of
                                                                                                                                                                          faith in one another: the knowledge that we have the support of over two
                                                   when we stumble. This is the spirit the Jaguar house embodies. The spirit of
                                                                                                                                                                          hundred people in all our endeavours. A panther is known to be a solitary
                                                   participation and winning, the spirit of strength and unity.
                                                                                                                                                                          animal, but the members of the Panther house never tread alone. The stealthy
                                                   To each and every Jaguar, we thank you for your continued pride, love and                                              yet  confident  march  of  this  pack  towards  achievement  is  unyielding  and
                                                   participation,  and  look  forward  to  the  year  ahead.  We  will  always  be                                        unstoppable.    We're  more  than  a  well-oiled  machine  that
                                                   incREDible.                                                                                                            works  seamlessly  together.  We're  a  family  of  talented  and   T  A  N I
                                                                                                                                                                          powerful individuals with the heart and mindset to work as   U  S  ABILITY
                                                                                                                                                                          one. We are the Panthers.                          S

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