Page 159 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 159

My Swan Acrostic Poem                      નીર    ,
                                                                             મને આમ ના કરો  યથ.
 I                                     S- Swimming in the pond              મ ટ પે ટ પે સરોવર ભરાય
                                       W- Water shining like a wand
                                                                           તેમ ટ પે ટ પે મને બચાઓ !
                                       A- Adorable and doesn't frown             િનવા મહત   ા
                                       N- Nice to see it duck down
 A                                                       Ayaan Kapadia            ૃ  !    ૃ  !    ૃ  !  Fat Fish
                                                                                                     Fat fish
                                                                              આવો, રોપીએ    ૃ  !     In the sea
                                                                               સ  મળ ને કર એ         Satisfied sea animal
                                                                               ધરતી લીલીછમ !
                                                                                                     Hydrated fish
                                                                                 િન યા વશી
                                                                                                         Rianna Dalal
                                                                               પાણી પાણી પાણી
     ADIT PARIKH - I CAN BUILD A SHELTER                                        બ ૂ  પીઓ પાણી
                                                                             વીજળ  વીજળ  વીજળ
     Zoey the Rabbit                                                          બચાઓ બધા વીજળ

     Zoey, the tiny and joyful rabbit was sitting on the                         માયરા પાર ખ
     street. Suddenly, she heard footsteps and started to
     hop. Unfortunately, she stepped over her own foot                        An Acrostic Poem about Me
     and she squeaked and got hurt on her leg. Luckily,
                                                                              A- Amazing adorable me
     two  people  took  Zoey  to  the  vet.  The  vet  put  a                 N- Nice noble Anika
     bandage on her leg. She felt thankful and smiled.                        I- Interesting me
                                                                              K- Kind Anika
                                 Amyra Dahiya
                                                                              A- Awesome artistic me
                                                                                                      Anika Candade

                                                        NITYA VASHI -
                                                        GREEN GIANT

                                     Nature Haiku Poem

                                     Birds are flying high
                                     The trees going side to side
                                     It is a cold day
                                                    Ayaan Alex

                                                                                            INARA  TREHAN -  झाड वाचवा
              NAEVAH MEHTA’S
                SUNSET STORY
     Acrostic about Dragons

     D - Daring Dragon
     R - Roaring Dragon
     A - Agile Dragon
     G - Geeky
     O - Obedient
     N - Naughty
                          Suvir Verma

                                              ANIKA CANDADE - TAKE CARE OF YOUR PETS

                                         I Can Make Jasmine Oil

                                         First, take the Jasmine flowers and keep them in a
                                         basket.                                      PLANT MORE TREES - YUG GOYAL
                                         Next, let the flowers sit for two weeks.
                                         Then, when one week gets over, put in some oil.
                                         After that, put a lid on the basket.
                                         Finally, put the jasmine oil in a jar.
                   TO SAVE THE EARTH                                  Aarush Khanna
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