Page 161 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 161

Oh No!  If You Ask Me…

 On a Sunday afternoon, in Kirti Kunj, Myra   I would rather have a dog as a pet because
 was  happily  playing  ‘Hide  and  Seek’.  She   dogs are friendly and playful. Also, dogs don't
 suddenly saw a cockroach, under the table.   get  bored  very  quickly.  Lastly,  all  my  friends
 She was scared and her face turned pale.   have dogs. That's why I chose a dog not a cat.
 Would Myra run away or scream?
                            Krrishiv Sharma
 Naevah Mehta

 I Know How to Make a
 MANNAT TRIPATHI -                                                                       RIA TREHAN - BROADER ROADS
 First, I washed my hands.  LOOK AT MY NEIGHBOURHOOD!                                       ARE A SOLUTION TO TRAFFIC
 Next, I put a scoop of butter on two
 slices of white bread.                        VIANA SHAH - THANK YOU NURSES      Pollution Solution
 Then, I put creamy cheese on the bread.
 AARUSH KHANNA -   After that, I put some chaat masala on it.                     We must not pollute the environment, like
 THIS IS HOW I PLANT TREES  Finally, I put the other slice on it and              when we burst fireworks. It spreads smoke.
 then, I cut it.                                                                  Like that, I have seen air pollution in real life.
 Eva and John                                   Letter to Suvir                                       Mahiraj Sharma
 Adit Parikh
 One lovely morning, there was a boy named   AMYRA DAHIYA - SAVE ANIMALS  Hi Suvir!
 John and a girl named Eva. They lived on a     How are you? I am happy to invite you
 farm. They also had a pet dog named Jafa.   Haiku Poem- In the Morning  to my birthday. It is on April 23, 2021.
 They were also feeling hyper because they      My theme is 'We Can Be Heroes!' We
 were running a race. All of a sudden, Jafa   Flowers are blooming  will play games and cut the cake and
 ran  out  of  the  farm.  Eva  and  John  were   The pretty birds are tweeting
 worried.  Luckily,  their  friend  Rob,  caught   The sun is shining  we  will  also  watch,  'We  Can  Be
 Jafa. After that, they were all glad.          Heroes'.
 KRRISHIV SHARMA -               Inara Trehan
 Rishaan Saraf   HAPPY GANESH CHATURTHI         You will love it and you are invited to it
                                                and we will have so much fun. I should
                                                go now. I have my hip hop class now.
                                                Bye, see you soon.
                                                                     With love,
                                                                 Amaara Shroff

                                                                                                      RISHAAN PARIKH
                                                                                          SHOWS GRATITUDE TOWARDS
                                                                                                   WASTE COLLECTORS
 I Helped!
 First, I peeled a boiled egg. Next, I took the extra clothes                                 Do You Know
 out of our washing machine. Then, I found my toy inside                                      Mannat?
 it. Finally, I gave the bucket of clothes to my mom.
 Anika Mukherjee  ABHINAV SHARMA -                                                            — Marvellous Mannat
 SAVE MOTHER EARTH         AYAAN KAPADIA -                                                    A- Amazing singer
           EVERYTHING IS MADE UP OF SHAPES                                                    N- Naughty kid
 I Can Help by Washing the Dishes                                                             N- Nice
 RIANNA DALAL- MY STORY SETTING                                                               A- Adventurous nerd
 First, I rinsed my plate, spoon and bowl under running water   Problem Solved!               T- Talkative friend
 Let's Grow a Plant  Next, I dipped my sponge in some soap.
 Then, I washed my bowl and spoon with the sponge.  It  was  a  rainy  evening.  My  brother  Rohan  was   Mannat Tripathi
 On day one, we take fenugreek seeds and soak them overnight in   After that, I washed my plate with the sponge.  playing  football  with  me  in  the  playground.
 water.  Finally, I washed it all with water and put it out to dry.  Suddenly, it started raining heavily and we could   RISHAAN PARIKH - IF I WERE A BEAR
 On day two, the seeds will swell and crack a little. Then, we put   Rishaan Parikh   not play football. He felt angry and was upset. He
 them in soil and sprinkle water on them.   stomped his feet. I gave the solution, that he could
 On day three, we shall continue watering the seeds lightly.  play football at home. Then, he was very happy.
 On day four, seeds will germinate and we will continue watering
                                   Ria Trehan                   Beach Haiku Poem
 them lightly.
 On day five, the shoots will start trying to push out of the soil.  We go to the beach
 On day six, no changes will be seen.  Have You Met the Green Giant?  On a Sunday afternoon
 On day seven, the shoots start to appear on the soil.               Got pirate treasure
 On day eight, the shoots grow taller.  Sam the giant is very fat. He likes to draw. His favourite
                                                                     Aaliya Khemani
 Finally, on day nine, the leaves will start appearing above the soil.  food is cake. He likes to play in the garden.
 Nitya Vashi                          Viana Shah

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