Page 18 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 18

MIDDLE &                                                                                                               Schools gave our students, an opportunity to be Global citizens and think beyond their local communities. Students had interactions
                                                                                                                               with their counterparts in different schools in India and abroad. This not only added to their enjoyment but helped them to establish
                                                                                                                               themselves as a part of the Global family.

        SECONDARY                                                                                                              Undeterred by their confinement due to the pandemic, students of Grade 5 also engaged in a Service program with our NGO

                                                                                                                               partner: ADVITYA. The students curated activities that had the Community at Advitya engrossed, while they interacted with the
                                                                                                                               students. For our students, it was an enriching experience as they prepared, participated and performed, invigorating dances and
                                                                                                                               sang popular Xmas carols. This interaction sensitized all the students to the best gift - GIVING.
        SCHOOL                                                                                                                 Students of Gr 8A, 9A, and 10A participated in many National and International MUNs through the year. The virtual nature of the

                                                                                         Ms. Anjana Roy                        MUNs facilitated easy participation. Our students won several awards for these participations. Students of grade 7 immersed
                                                                                     Head of National Curriculum               themselves in researching, deliberating, discussing as they attended Mini MUN sessions from July to October. Their hard work paid off
                                                                                    (Middle and Secondary School)              when they all took part in the DAIMUN - an annual event that hosts over 500 delegates from all over India and overseas.

        This  year,  this  report  and  our  educational  experiences  will  probably  be  viewed  as  an                      The participation in Robotics did not lose momentum due to the confinement. In order to spread the message of STEM and robotics,
        important part of our School's history. This year, we had been held to a ransom by a very                              Team Elev8 launched a skill building initiative, “Robotics Deconstructed”, through which they taught programming and CAD to
        small organism – just like the whole world had been. While our attention, had on most                                  over 550 students. 8 of the teams that they worked with, were composed of students from economically challenged backgrounds.
        occasions, been drawn to the distress the tiny microorganism had caused, we cannot ignore                              Not only did they mentor these teams in the local language, but also created FTC manuals in Hindi. They started 2 FLL Teams
        the fact that the same microorganism was instrumental in revolutionising the working of the                            comprising students who are auditorily-impaired and conducted MIT App Inventor Course for them. Last season, this talented team
        whole world.                                                                                                           of hearing-impaired children won the 'Core Values' award and were among the top 10 teams in the robot game.

        Our DAIS world had borne a similar impact. The seeds of revolution were sown in the 3rd                                A team of 12 students from DAIS took part in the International Space Settlement Design Competition. The team comprised of
        week of March 2020 when we had got an inkling that we may not be able to go back to our                                six students from class 8 A. The team went on to win the first round - Indian National Space Settlement Design Competition. They also
        school building soon. Our New Academic year that was supposed to begin on 26th March                                   won the second round - Asian Regional Space Settlement Design Competition. They have qualified for the final round which will take
        2021 began virtually on 1st April 2021. In the interim we had armed ourselves with the                                 place in person at Kennedy Space Centre in July.
        training on Microsoft Teams. When we began virtual school we were a little nervous but   Ms. Shiney Varghese
                                                                                    Deputy Head of National Curriculum
        hopeful.  Under  the  guidance  of  our  Chairperson,  Smt.  Nita  Ambani  and  our  Vice
                                                                                      (Middle and Secondary School)            Students  from  8A,  9A  and  10A  also  proved  their  mettle  in  the  Cathedral  Math  Exam,  Asia  International  Mathematical
        Chairperson Mrs. Isha Ambani Piramal, the teachers were determined to bring our school
                                                                                                                               Olympiad, Singapore and Asian School Maths Olympiad and won a couple of medals.
        motto to life. We, the teaching fraternity, have always been a determined lot.  This pandemic saw us in our 'New Avatar'.  Almost
        overnight, we, the simple folk had morphed into tech warriors integrating complicated technology to make the students' transition
                                                                                                                               Our fifteenth batch of ICSE, the Class of 2021 had their share of experiences during the initial days of the onset of the pandemic. They
        into the virtual platform as seamlessly as possible.  Our young learners took this shift to virtual school, like fish to water.  Today, they
                                                                                                                               had completed most of their ICSE board exams when the lockdown was declared. They continued to keep themselves prepared for
        are enthusiastic, optimistic and appreciative of the school's commitment towards their education albeit online.
                                                                                                                               the remaining exams till June when the remaining four exams were cancelled. The Board results did justice to the effort that they had
                                                                                                                               put in. Of the 31 students, 25 students scored 95% and above, 29 students scored 90% and above, 2 students scored between 78-
        The Microsoft Teams platform provided the essential classroom feel. This platform connected our DAIS family as never before.
                                                                                                                               89.9%. The highest aggregate score of 99.6% was scored by Samiksh Jain (with a perfect score of 100 in 5 subjects). The Second
        Teaching strategies and approaches were revamped to enable students to interact and collaborate in remote learning scenarios.
                                                                                                                               highest aggregate score of 99.4% was scored by Ryan Awal (with a perfect score of 100 in 4 subjects). The Third highest aggregate
        The  Virtual  Class  Notebook  ensured  that  students  neither  missed  the  physical  notebook  nor  the  valuable  writing  practice.
                                                                                                                               score of 99% was scored by 2 students – Jash Bhatia (with a perfect score of 100 in 4 subjects) and Aditya Dalal (with a perfect score
        While Virtual tools like Virtual labs, Flipgrid, Sway, Breakout rooms kept the students motivated and engaged throughout, apps like
                                                                                                                               of 100 in 3 subjects). The School's average score was 96.2%.
        Kahoot, Flipgrid, Socrative and Quizzes provided the fun quotient in the teaching learning process.  We are proud of conducting all
        our assessments and examinations successfully via the platform and providing timely feedback to our students. The virtual
                                                                                                                               This year has indeed been a year of steep learning curves and new beginnings. Though technology is helping us to guide our way
        PTMs provided our parents, an easy mode to connect with the teachers, interact and understand the performance and progress of
                                                                                                                               forward, it is our culture of readiness and perseverance that has kept us thriving.  While we revel in our success on this platform, we
        their children.
                                                                                                                               thank our Chairperson Smt Nita Ambani, our Vice Chairperson Ms. Isha Ambani Piramal, our parents and colleagues for being the
                                                                                                                               force with us.  As we take on yet another adventure in the coming academic year, we are confident that together we will continue to
        While continuing with our academic pursuits, we did not wish to miss out on the fun, frolic and laughter that came with celebrations.
                                                                                                                               forge ahead true to our motto - 'Dare to Dream, Learn to Excel'.
        We experimented with our virtual assemblies. The children seem to get better with every experience. Whether it was Gudi Padwa,
        Ganapati, Teachers' Day, Navratri, Diwali, Children's Day or Christmas we did not miss out on the festivities. Though we were
                                                                                                                               With best wishes,
        confined to our homes, we managed to bond as a big DAIS family over these celebrations.
                                                                                                                               Anjana Roy
        The Student Council also made wonderful contributions. The new Council was invested through a virtual Investiture Ceremony. They
                                                                                                                               Head National Curriculum
        took to their new role enthusiastically and kept the excitement and the spirit of teamwork alive by organizing various Inter-House
                                                                                                                               (Middle and Secondary School)
        Competitions. The students participated in a variety of competitions ranging from English Creative Writing, G.K Quiz, Hindi, Marathi,
        Gujarati Inter-House Elocutions, Music, Dance and Art competitions throughout the year. Taking these opportunities, further, the
        Middle school students participated in Virtual Essay Writing competitions and Art Competitions organized by the Bombay YMCA, and   Shiney Varghese
              bagged prizes and certificates of commendation. In addition, Earth day, Democracy Day and International Day were celebrated   Deputy Head National Curriculum
              with poster making competitions. These offerings and the participation in events and conferences with the Round Square   (Middle and Secondary School)
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