Page 20 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
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INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                          Through the pandemic many of our students have continued on the path of sporting excellence. Our students have not only excelled
                                                                                                                               in sports this year but have also encouraged others to see the value in sports involvement through CAS activities and charity work. The
                                                                                                                               ongoing Moment of Joy project has continued to support communities by moving activities on line and working around the
                                                                                                                               limitations this move created. This year our students have been offering service activities online using MS Teams and Zoom and they
        CURRICULUM                                                                                                             education and creating educational resources for disadvantaged students in the city and around the country. These involved DAIS
                                                                                                                               have been able to offer activities to the NGO students that have been rewarding for both parties. 8 grade 11 projects are based around
                                                                                                                               Students teaching these students' academic and personal effectiveness topics and creating resources to support the work they were
                                                                                                                               doing.  A further project involved fund raising for restoring the damaged school building in Kumbharghar village. The group has
                                                                                                                               completed 2 online fund raiser activities to fund this.

        The end of the academic year is always a good                                                                          We had 10 Y 12 CAS projects running this year which ranged in focus from Environmental protection and reduction of E-waste to
        opportunity to review the year that has passed.                                                                        those with a focus on the academic and emotional life of students in the school and beyond including the well-being of women and
        This year the school has made great progress in                                                                        girls in disadvantaged communities and the elderly in care homes. By undertaking fund raising, raising awareness, and meeting and
        an unusual time. We have now completed a full                                                                          helping these vulnerable groups our students have improved the lives of the community they choose to serve.
        academic year online. With the exception of the                                                                        Special congratulations are due to the student council. Their goal is to make sure that the student body is actively engaged with
        IB  and  IGCSE  mock  exams,  and  exam  related                                                                       various activities in the form of inter-house events - aiming to encourage students to explore new hobbies and find their passion
        activities, (A special thanks must go to Dr Shah                                                                       through them. Since November, the Student Council has conducted several online events, for students from Grades 1-12, including
        and  Sister  Jaya  and  the  admin  team  for  their                                                                   the Indian and Western Music Competitions, the Debate Competition for Grades 5-7, the Art and Photography Competitions, and
        indefatigable work to support our COVID testing                                                                        more. The Council has also introduced new events to the school year including a Primary Math Whiz Competition, an Inter-House
        protocols  during  the  exam  period)  school  has                                                                     Fitness Competition, a Programming Competition, and a Spoken Word Competition. Inter-House events are great method by which
        been  conducted  in  the  virtual  world.  It  is  a                                                                   the school community is able to interact with one another across grades. A new development this year has been the introduction of
        triumph that we have been able to work through                                                                         Teachers events, the first a photography contest, which is a great addition to the life of the school.
        this  new  and  challenging  time  and  deliver  an
        educational experience which so closely matches   Mr. Michael Shields           Ms. Sonali Bajaj                       Our students have continued to excel in competitions both extracurricular and academic. We have students who have worked with
        what we are able to do in the world of in person   Head – International Curriculum  Deputy Head –                      UNICEF and UNESCO illustrating a section of The Child Rights Training Manual developed by CRRU – UNICEF and writing for a
        school. We have continued to use the Microsoft    (Secondary)                 International Curriculum)                publication about life after Covid. Robotics has always been a great strength of the school and our Pre 8 team 'G Force' have qualified
        Teams platform to deliver lessons to students, to                                                                      from 1500 teams globally to reach the semi-finals of the Global 2021 First Innovation Challenge, as part of the First Robotics
        facilitate collaboration between all members of                                                                        Competition (FRC).
        the school community and to integrate technology into the learning process. It has required adopting new approaches and innovating   In Mathematics we have had winners in in the World International Mathematics Olympiad (WIMO) Finals 2020 and students who
        in how we plan learning. Before the present situation it would have been thought far-fetched that it was possible to have students   have represented India in various competitions.
        complete PE activities, conduct science experiments, undertake IA research and data collection, complete art projects, do Yoga,
        complete rigorous and valid assessments, and fulfil all the other elements of our learning programme at home. However, through the   Further success was enjoyed by a team of 12 students who participated in the Asian Regional Space Settlement Design Competition
        resilient dedication of students, parents, and faculty this has been achieved. At the heart of all of this activity has been the school's   and won first prize. They are the first ever rookie team to have been invited to NASA for the International Space design competition
        concern for the students, their opportunities to grow and their wellbeing.                                             and first ever team in 18 years to win both Indian and Asian Rounds. Kareena Shankta of (class 11) and her team won the American
                                                                                                                               Psychological Association special award for their research in science in their project “Objective: early-age detection of Dyslexia” at the
        Thanks are due to all our students, teachers, support staff, and parents for making this possible.
                                                                                                                               The IRIS National Fair. Shiv Kampani of (class 11) won the First Prize in the India Innovation Challenge run by The University of Sydney
        The cancelation of the IGCSE and IB examinations for the class of 2020 was a source of great disappointment to our students who   and Ananya Mukerji (Grade 11) was the Runner Up in the Senior Category  in The  Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2020
        enjoy the opportunity to demonstrate their learning. However, the students were rewarded for their efforts by the examination   which attracted 13000 entries from 58 countries.
        boards who used information we provided on student's performance to award grades. The Class of 2020's average score was   The current pandemic has made our face-to-face interaction a challenge and created opportunities to move school events online. Our
        39.8 points, which ranked us once again among the Top 10 IB Schools in the world. Four students earned the perfect score of   first online graduation allowed our students' achievements to be recognised in a school community event that allowed us all to
        45 points, compared to 275 worldwide. 66% of our candidates achieved 40 or more points. Our IGCSE students also continued to   celebrate with them. It has been imperative for us to create platforms for students to come together. Our online DAIMUN 2020
        earn excellent results. 90.29% of all grades achieved were A*and A grades, which is one of our highest ever over the years.   offered the experience of sharing views and opinions on important issues in our global world with students around the world, albeit
        Thirteen students earned 11 A*'s in all the subjects they appeared for and nine students achieved 10 A*'s. One student topped   online, and our very successful TED-X brought intellectual stimulation into student's homes. As well as enjoying our students excelling
        one subject in the world and two of them have topped 2 subjects in India. Our great results and reputation for producing students   in their pursuits we have benefited from the wisdom of speakers in our Leadership series who have themselves exceled in their fields.
        who are well equipped for further study has resulted in our students being accepted in the best universities across the world. The Class   Our students benefited greatly from the expertise of these leading figures and showed themselves to be engaged and intellectually
        of 2021 has had an acceptance rate of 39% of their applications and 38% of the class receiving funding from 67 scholarships,   curious in the range and depth of questions they asked of each of the speakers.
        totalling US$ 3,341,982 over four years. 40% of the Class of 2021 have been offered a place by their university of first choice and
        72% of them have been offered a place by the University of their top two choices. These university acceptances have included 118   We are very grateful for our students, parents and staff completing the CIS annual community survey, which we have started to use
        acceptances to 21 of the universities listed in the QS World's Top 40 Universities. This group of university includes the Russell Group in   this year, in such great numbers. The survey is a useful tool which we use to assess how we are meeting the needs of all of our
        the UK and the US Ivy League.                                                                                          stakeholders and will assist us as we prepare for our upcoming CIS/NEASC re accreditation visit. The school staff have already began
                                                                                                                               the process of curriculum review and self-reflection which is at the heart of the process and your inputs are vital in this.
        These students will become our future Alumni and we look forward to having a continuing relationship with them. Our Alumni have
        always contributed a valuable dimension to the life of the school and this has continued despite the limitations imposed by the current   Our sincere gratitude and appreciation go to our Founder and Chairperson, Mrs. Nita Ambani, for her visionary and inspirational
        pandemic situation.                                                                                                    leadership, and to the Board of Governors. It is a great pleasure to have Mrs. Isha Ambani Piramal join us as Vice Chairperson, her
                                                                                                                               experience as an Alumni of the school will make her insights of great value. Heartfelt gratitude also to our IGCSE and IBDP
        The move online has meant that Alumni have been able to contribute to events even from outside the country. At our recent
                                                                                                                               Coordinators and Assistant Coordinators, Ms. Mukherjee, Ms. Burman, Ms. Basu, and Ms. Dyas; our Curriculum Coordinator, Dr.
        RoundSquare sponsored 'Metanoia: Discover and Express Yourself through the Arts' workshop for students of age 11-13 yrs   Potukuchi; our RS Coordinator, Ms. Nanda; our Heads of Department and Subject Coordinators; to our Student Care team, our
        throughout the country, we were fortunate to have Ms. Janavi Folmsbee (Class of 2005) contribute from the US and Mr. Ranveer   College Counselling team, The IT support team, administration, security and support staff, and especially to all our faculty colleagues,
        Allahabadia (ICSE Batch of 2009) open the event from here in India.
                                                                                                                               who work closely with, guide and mentor students on a daily basis and work tirelessly to connect with our students through the online
        Roundsquare continues to be a key part of the school and this year's Round Square King Constantine medal winner, Ayaan Shah,   platform. A school is first and foremost its people and the whole community can be proud of how we have pulled together to thrive
        richly deserves his recognition. He co-founded ShareMeds in 2019 with the primary goal to reduce medicinal waste and to transfer   over the last year.
        these resources to the underprivileged sections of society. ShareMeds has collected more than 19,000 medicines and other medicine-  Michael Shields
        related equipment like syringes, wheelchairs, crutches, etc. Roundsquare continues to be an avenue for international and cultural   Head – International Curriculum
        exchange and many students have enjoyed and benefited from the RS Postcard sessions and the RS India-Peru Virtual Cultural
              Exchange events on a variety of themes. DAIS participated in the Service In Action virtual Round Square conference. 10 host
              schools invited delegates from 46 schools and more than 10 countries and we were represented by students from the Advitya   Sonali Bajaj
              and Aseema CAS groups.                                                                                           Deputy Head – International Curriculum
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