Page 272 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 272

During our interactions with students in our CAS service projects last year, we realized that the educational
      OFF COURSE                      opportunities availed by children from NGOS are sometimes limited to purely textbook-oriented content,'adore/fr
                                      rather than touching upon valuable real-world skills. Thus, we decided to start Off Course:  A CAS project
                                      aimed at bridging the divide in opportunities provided to children. By creating short-courses designed for                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 suivant fin
     children about various skills, we took a step towards resolving this divide and provided learning outside their curriculum.   We began by brainstorming an                                                                  Jaimin Shah
     area to which we could make a meaningful contribution, and chose the skill-building of children with limited access to content. We then assigned roles to   Moi, Jaimin
     each of us, ranging from content creation to logistics to fact-checking. By identifying each of our diverse interests and talents - including both academics and                                               Archives
     non-academics- we hoped to create strong and accurate content that sparks interests in younger children. We settled on the following courses:                                                                  2019 :
     Cyber Safety: Most users of the internet do not know a vast majority of the perils or threats that come along with it. Our Cybersafety videos aimed to
     make children aware a safe and responsible use of the internet.                                                                                                                                                Mars
     Fractals: Maths is a world of never-ending patterns, and fractals are a perfect example of it. While drawing these never-ending patterns may seem                                                              Février
     impossible, these videos not only gave a simplified version on how to draw but also an insight into applying them in a real world .
                                                                                                                                 Mes photos                                                                         Janvier
     Dance: Who doesn't love dance? However, finding easy choreography to famous songs becomes hard, and these videos aimed to give a step by step
     breakdown to a famous Bollywood song, while ensuring easy steps to be performed by young kids.
     Morse Code: Everyone has seen morse code being used as a secret method of communication, especially in the climax scenes of movies. While they seem                                                            2018
     extremely complex and impossible to crack, our videos were more hobby-based than academic-based, allowing people of all ages to learn something fun                                                            2017
     and new.
     Game Theory: We aimed to explain game theory in a                                                                                                                                                              2016
     simplistic manner, not only to break the myth, but also                                                                      Mes amis
     show how we can actually use it in our day to day lives.
     Through the process and interacting with the NGOs we
     did face some challenges. Firstly, we had to remake parts
     of the videos as we realized that some of the terms we
     were using were too technical. Next, we had to find and
     learn  to  add  subtitles  to  videos  to  increase  their                                                              Ma liste de conseils
     accessibility to our target audience. While these changes
     did require a lot of effort, the results were well worth it:                                                           pour un bon voyage
     the NGOs we spoke to were happy with the results and
     the students were happy to put it to use! We hope that
     this spirit of learning continues in the future, and as our                                                                                                                                                   Articles les plus lus :
     school's motto goes: Dare to Dream, Learn to Excel!                                                                                                                                                           http://www.transindiatravels.
                         Avi Agarwal and Isha Mati                                                                                 Ecris-moi                                                                       com/india/best-places-to-
     Salut Michelle!                                                          “I have seen firsthand the benefits of responsible
                                                                              production  and  consumption  in  the  sporting
     La semaine dernière, je suis allé à New York avec ma famille. C'est une très grande ville animée.
     Nous sommes arrivés à New York en avion à huit heures. D'abord, je suis entré dans la statue   world.  With  strict  regulations  on  materials,
     de la liberté et je suis monté au sommet. Puis je suis descendu et je suis entré au MET (musée   equipment  and  attire  used,  it  has  become
     métropolitain des arts).                                                 mandatory  for  large  multinational  sporting
                                                                              companies  to  incorporate  goal  12  in  their
     Après trois heures, je suis retourné à l'hôtel pour rencontrer ma famille. Ensuite, ma famille est   production line. Thus, they are able to do more
     venue avec moi à Times Square. C'est magnifique!
                                                                              with  less  resources,  reduce  their  ecological
     Finalement, nous sommes allés au bâtiment Rockefeller. J'ai appris qu'il est né en 1930!  footprint whilst maintaining high quality gear for
     Voici mon voyage à New York !                                            sports people to use worldwide”
     Bisous, Smayan.                                                                                     Jispa Doshi
                                                             Smayan Khanna

        SAATHI                If we have felt a sense of confinement, isolation and frustration during   Paris, le 1er juillet
                              the pandemic, one can only imagine what people in old age homes
                              have  faced.  Our  primary  aim  was  to  understand  issues  faced  by   2019
                              individuals  in  old  age  homes,  and  the  impact  of  the  pandemic  in
                                                                                        Bonjour Alexander,
     worsening issues such as social exclusion and loneliness. We aim to form a basis for interaction between
     us, the students, and members of the old age home through a series of activities and events to help   J'écris  cette  lettre  pour  te  parler  de
     alleviate this sense of distance that lies on both ends.                           mon  voyage  à  Paris.  Le  matin,  ma
                                                                                        famille et moi sommes arrivés à la tour
     We focused on sensitising ourselves to interact with the members of the old age home in the best capacity   Eiffel.  Nous  sommes  montés  au
     that we could. We built on this further by conducting our own research, and we realised that we might be   sommet,  c'était  une  belle  vue.  nous
     severely underprepared to do so. We decided to turn to an expert instead, to go beyond the books and   avons  pris  soin  de  ne  pas  tomber.
     train ourselves for an experience none of us had had before. For this, we spoke to our school counsellor,   Après être descendus et sortis, nous
                                                                                        sommes allés déjeuner. j'ai mangé une
     Mrs. Vasundhara. We met her during our break so we could talk to her and sensitise ourselves to dealing   baguette  et  du  fromage.  Nous
     with senior citizens with neurodegenerative issues such as dementia. We collaborated with our juniors   sommes ensuite allés aux catacombes,
     who had founded various artistic clubs such as music and dance club, to put up a series of weekly   c'était incroyable. Il y avait des milliers
     performances on zoom for the members of the old age home. We worked with BHN Health Care, a   d'os des personnes qui sont mortes.
     residential home for senior citizens. We planned weekly sessions on Sunday evenings, at mutually suitable   Ensuite, nous sommes retournés à la
     times to interact with the people of this home.                                    tour Eiffel pour dîner et regarder Paris.
                                                                                        Après  nous  sommes  partis  et  nous                                                                                                     N I
     Our Housie event was conducted on the 24th of October. The goal behind it was to raise funds for the   sommes allés à l'hôtel et avons dormi.                                                                            S  T  A  ABILITY
     village of Kumbhalgarh, which our school has been associated with for some years, whose houses and                                                                                                                      U
                                                                                        Amities Aman,                                                                                                                        S
            school had been destroyed by the recent Cyclone Nisarga. However, through this event, we
            also engaged the senior citizens at the BHN center to give them a medium of communication   Aman Acharya
            with the outside world.                                                                             267                                                                                                               268
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