Page 268 - DAIS Insignia 2020-21
P. 268

DAISMO,  a  multifaceted
       KALAKAAR                                                                                                                                                                   mathematical Olympiad,   MATHEMAGIC
                                                                                                                                                                                  was  conducted  on  the
                                                                                                                                                                                  virtual examination platform
     May it be creative arts, performance arts, or
     even visual arts: we have something that                                                                                                                            with the help of the school; it was planned and conducted by
     will cater to all your creative ideas. This year,                                                                                                                            students, with proctoring occurring through Google meet.
     we  have  modified  our  aim.  We  aim  to                                                                                                                                    After forming the team based on our common interest in Mathematics, we
     appreciate and showcase various art forms,                                                                                                                                   all realized that we enjoyed taking part in Olympiads and there are so many
     especially underrepresented ones.                                                                                                                                            students around the world interested in such competitions. We wanted to
                                                                                                                                                                                  organize an Olympiad for students to participate in, all the while making a
     Our CAS Kalakaar MAD Project strives to
     celebrate  diverse  and  under-represented  art  forms.  To  aid                                                                                                             difference to society by donating the funds we collect to Aseema NGO that
     learning during this pandemic, we teamed up with Teach For                                                                                                                   specializes in the education of the underprivileged. Education is a sector in
     India,  for  their  'Don't  stop  learning'  campaign.  Playwright                                                                                                           our country that needs a lot of development, and we wanted to make our
     Nikhil  Katara  led  our  first  workshop,  which  focused  on                                                                                                                own contribution towards it.
     dramatic  structure.  Nikhil  Katara  initiated  his  journey  as  a                                                                                                         In the process of preparing for the event, we divided the team into groups to
     writer with his own production titled, The Unveiling: A science-                                                                                                             facilitate quick work.
     fiction drama in the year 2011. To strengthen critical thinking,                                                                                                              1. Tech involved the creation of an application form along with a website.

     he initiated an MA programme in Philosophy at the Mumbai
     university with optionals in Kant, Greek Hellenistic Philosophy,                                                                                                                 They  would  handle  the  medium  of  testing  and  setting  up  the  video
     Feminism,  Logic,  and  Existentialism.  His  play  Yatagarasu                                                                                                                   conferencing system for the event.
     opened at Prithvi Theatre in 2016. He is a consultant facilitator at                                                                                                         2. Outreach involved the social media team, handling the Instagram and
     Js paradigm (a novel performance arts institute) and writes book reviews and opinion articles in the ‘One India One People’ magazine. He also attended                           Facebook pages. These people would also act as the customer service,
     summer school at London international school of performing arts. His activities inspired creativity and introspection, and his imparted knowledge was                            spreading awareness about the event and dealing with any queries or
     insightful and helped us understand the foundations of dramatic structure. He walked us through Aristotelian and Sophoclean dramatic structures and                            issues  potential participants may encounter.
     taught us how different modalities of storytelling affect content. At the end of the workshop, his advice was the most important of all: Break all the
     rules. As Pablo Picasso says,' Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.’                                                                            3. Design dealt with the aesthetics of the website, creation of posters for
                                                                                                                                                                                      advertisement, and the creation of the certificates.
     On  the  2nd  of  October,  the  Kalakaar  2020  CAS  Project  organized  a  workshop  on  Origami,  the  Japanese  art  of  paper  folding.  This  was  led                 4. Paper-setting dealt with setting questions in the exam paper, deciding
     by an internationally acclaimed artist, Ms Niki Hingad, who is the Founder and Chairperson of NHAF, for students from the NGO 'Teach For India.'
     Niki Hingad  has had several successful solo exhibitions in Mumbai where her art foundation promotes 'Art with no Boundaries.' She is an executive                               the pattern of the Olympiad, and any other logistical requirements.
     member at the Council For Fair Business Practices and has been associated with the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. With successful exhibitions                        The Olympiad consisted of 2 stages for all students from Grade 8 to Grade
     such as Shunya, Ananta, and La Belle Home, she is sought international acclaim for being awarded as the Best Female Artist by the 'Art Society of India'                     12. There were 2 age categories with their respective difficulty levels, i.e.,
     in the year 2011.                                                                                                                                                            Grade 8, 9 and 10 for the first and Grades 11 - 12 for the second.
     Although the students had no previous experience in this art form, they were able to learn new techniques and made beautiful shapes and figures,                              The Olympiad was held at 10 am on the 18th of October 2020. The rooms for
     including flowers, jumping paper frogs, and butterflies. It was truly wonderful to see the students participate and create art with such enthusiasm, and                       participants were created on Google Meet. Each breakout room consisted of
     we hope to continue spreading joy through such art forms.                                                                                                                    around 30 participants, with 2 proctors from the DAISMO team.
     Our CAS project, Kalakaar, aims to help the expression of art in all its forms, and primarily to shed light on under-represented ones. This time we                          The questions of the Olympiad were vetted by Math teachers from the school
     partnered with Teach For India to bring the creative expression of Dance to them, in context to cultural music. Members of our own team, namely,   and were of three difficulties - easy, medium, and difficult with the questions being focused on problem solving and application as opposed to pure
     Araiya Lakhotia, Isha Kanodia and Mrigank Das, guided the TFI students through an original choreography to the song, 'First Class', by Amitabh   math with a significant negative marking scheme.
     Bhattacharya. Our dance instructors took a methodological yet energetic and inspiring approach to teach the choreography by breaking down the   Through the collection of the entry fees, we were able to round up a significant amount to be donated to Aseema. This was the best feeling ever!
     choreography. There were challenges faced in this workshop, such as technical and internet issues due to the online platform, but all in all the event
     was a success because we all took something back from it: the ability to express yourself freely and openly through dance!

     Vivez Le Rêve en Inde                                                                                                  Lo que sería si no fuera lo que soy                                                 Humanity's  ability  to  innovate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                gives  me  hope  for  sustainable
     Bienvenue au pays diversifié; au paradis !                                                                              Si fuera un animal, sería un lobo fuerte pero a la vez suave. Sería independiente, aun así, sería una parte de una
                                                                                                                            manada.                                                                             lifestyles  in  the  future,  but
     L'Inde est une grande péninsule dans l'océan Indien. Le climat dans ce pays est différent dans les                                                                                                         humanity's  ability  to  sustainably
     différentes régions ; il dépend de la géographie de la région. Au centre du pays, il y a des plaines, des              Si fuera un color, sería el verde, el color de la ambición, pero a su vez, el de la naturaleza y los viajes.   make  the  best  out  of  what  it
     terres agricoles et des forêts en abondance.  Là, il fait frais au printemps et il fait chaud en été. Mais il          Si fuera una asignatura, sería la Filosofía, dando a la gente las alas de pensamiento que no sabía que ya tenía.   already has is what I hope for in the
     ne fait jamais froid, même pas en hiver. Il ne neige jamais non plus.                                                                                                                                      present.
                                                                                                                            Si fuera una estación, sería la primavera, dando la vida y la magia de vivir.
                                           Si  vous  êtes  passionné  par  la  nature  sauvage,                                                                                                                           Vikram Sivashankar
                                           visitez  la  forêt  des  Sundarbans  à  l'état  de                               Si fuera un día de la semana, sería el viernes, una mezcla perfecta de trabajo y juego.
                                           Bengale Occidental à l'est du pays. Il a de la flore et                           Si fuera un mes del año, sería julio, la hora de las vacaciones, la familia y el monzón donde el país se vuelve
                                           des animaux sauvages différents et rares comme les mangroves et le tigre du Bengale. Mais si vous   verde.
                                           aimez les villes métropolitaines, visitez New Delhi- la capitale de l'Inde- ou Mumbai- le centre
                                           d'affaires. Là, le climat est assez tempéré durant toute l'année.                Si fuera una parte del cuerpo, sería los ojos, atrapando y comunicando más de lo que las palabras pueden.
                                                                                                                            Si fuera una bebida, sería una limonada, recordando a la gente de los días de la infancia y la alegría de la simplicidad.
                                           Mais la mousson est la saison pluvieuse ! De juin à septembre, il pleut des hallebardes ! Les terrains
                                           dans tout le pays sont plus verts à cause de la pluie continue. Les orages de pluie se déplacent du   Si fuera una fruta, sería una aceituna, el símbolo antiguo de la paz y la esperanza.
                                           sud-ouest  au  nord-est  de  l'Inde,  en  direction  des  montagnes  de  l'Himalaya.  L'Everest  est  un   Si fuera Instagram, rompería todos los estándares de belleza porque todo el mundo es perfecto.
                                           sommet de l'Himalaya qui est le sommet le plus haut du monde. Là, c'est un froid de canard ! Il y a
     aussi un brouillard à couper au couteau.                                                                               Si fuera una máquina del tiempo, no haría nada porque todo sucede por una razón y no debe ser alterado.
     Au contraire, le désert du Thar est au nord-ouest. Il est moins grand que le Sahara, mais il est connu pour ses        Si fuera un extraterrestre, le contaría a mi pueblo los errores de los humanos y me esforzaría por ser mejor.
     grandes dunes de sable et son climat trop chaud. En juin, il y a un soleil de plomb.                                   Si fuera un teléfono móvil, animaría a la gente a llamar a los que aman, porque todo el mundo necesita saber que son amados.
                               Certaines des régions favorites à visiter en Inde sont les plages                            Si fuera invisible, bailaría sin miedo.
                                des côtes ouest et est. Il y a du vent de mer et généralement, il
                                fait  beau.  Le  temps  idéal  pour  visiter  L'Inde  est  entre  juin  et                  Si fuera inmortal, le contaría a la gente todas las historias de los tiempos que he vivido esperando que aprendan de los errores del pasado.
                                septembre, pendant la mousson quand le temps est pluvieux et                                Si fuera tú, me amaría incondicionalmente porque si fuera tú, sería perfecto.                      T  A  N I
                                frais. Alors venez en Inde,  laissez-vous emporter par son charme !                                                                                                                           S     ABILITY
                                                                                                                            Si no fuera yo, habría mil millones de cosas que me gustaría hacer.                              U
                                                                   Prisha Mangat                                                                                                                                             S
                                                                                                                            Sin embargo, yo soy yo y tú eres tú, y depende de nosotros aprovechar al máximo lo que tenemos, vivir la vida al máximo y
                                                                                                                            ayudar a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor.
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