Page 11 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 11

ensuring every detail, so everything merges and aligns to   digital technologies and applications can spur learning and   Our new school campus construction is progressing well
 make  a  world-class  institution  that  is  always  agile  and   create  magic.  That  is  why  we  have  chosen  our  key   and  we  sincerely  hope  we  will  be  able  to  launch  our
 forward-looking.  approaches to teaching and learning as - learning through   academic  session  from  there  in  about  a  year.  The  new

        inquiry,  conceptual  understanding,  differentiated   campus  is  coming  up  as  a  truly  future-ready  one,  with
 The ushering in of newer technologies, the advancement of   instruction, and technology integration.  multiple opportunities for students to collaborate and learn
 the  knowledge  systems,  the  emergence  of  ‘jobs  of       in groups. Open, expansive, multipurpose and stimulating
 tomorrow’  and  the  disruption  in  established  career   Thus,  opting  for  the  International  Baccalaureate  Primary   learning  spaces;  the  availability  of  natural  light;  flexible

 pathways,  and  the  experimentation  with  innovative   Years Programme (PYP) and the International Baccalaureate   layout;  mobile  furniture  and  equipment;  spaces  for
 pedagogical practices, have all led to admirable progress in   Middle Years Programme (MYP) framework was a natural   experiential learning; the integration of digital technologies
 the art, science and scope of teaching and learning. At the
        corollary to the above thought processes and pedagogical   and  applications  for  teaching  and  learning  as  well  as
 same time, children’s learning preferences, the autonomy
        perspectives. The transdisciplinary, theme-based approach   administration; the highest priority accorded for the safety
 they  want  and  the  control  they  can  take  of  their  own
        and  the  transformative  pedagogical  practices  of  these   and security of children and staff; are just some of the many
 learning are transforming in incredible ways. As children
        globally  acclaimed  educational  programmes  have     distinct features of our new campus.
 look for more agency in their education, it is imperative that
        particularly informed this choice. On top of this, the NMAJS
 we do everything possible to liberate the learner, so they
        Curriculum Standards that our new school will follow will   All these have been made possible with the extraordinary
 blossom to their fullest potential.
        incorporate all the attributes and benefits of a standards-  commitment  and  passion  of  our  heads,  deputy  heads,

        based educational approach.                            teachers, administrative staff, and support staff, under the
 A  school  can  be  a  school  of  the  future  only  when  our
                                                               overall guidance and inspiration of our Chairperson, my
 policies, systems, processes as well as the place of learning
        As we prepare for the transition to the new campus and the   mother, Smt. Nita M. Ambani. And, our deepest gratitude
 and the people who teach and administer are abreast of all
        delivery of our new curriculum, we have made significant   to all our parents for their unstinted support and their trust
 the above dimensions. It is in this larger futuristic context
 VICE-CHAIRPERSON’S   that  we  have  envisioned  our  new  Primary  and  Middle   progress in augmenting the number of our teachers and   and confidence in all our new initiatives.
        academic leaders through a major recruitment drive. We are
 MESSAGE  School - ‘Nita Mukesh Ambani Junior School’. At the   also providing them with several training opportunities to   Together, let’s equip our children with the knowledge, skills

 same time, the future is also built on the foundation of the
        keep  abreast  of  the  requirements  of  PYP  and  MYP.  Our   and dispositions they need to meaningfully engage in a
 past.  That  is  why,  Nita  Mukesh  Ambani  Junior  School
 “As children look for more agency   (NMAJS) will embark on its future journey by drawing on   teachers  have  already  started  using  the  concept-based   changing  world.  Let’s  prepare  them  for  the  future  by
 in their education, it is imperative   the  foundational  philosophy  and  practices  of  its  mother   inquiry approach in the classes, thereby providing students    providing  them  with  an  educational  experience  that  is

 that we do everything possible to   institution - Dhirubhai Ambani International School -   with  more  avenues  for  problem-solving  and  experiential   broad, balanced, holistic, and futuristic.
 liberate the learner, so they blossom   one that has proved its promise as an international school   learning, as well as developing their skills for inquiry and

 to their fullest potential.”  with an Indian mind, an Indian heart and an Indian soul.   research. We will continue to build on this momentum in   Let’s  build  DAIS  and  NMAJS  to  be  among  the  happiest
        the  coming  years.  With  a  focus  on  the  PYP  and  MYP   schools in the world!

 When it came to the choice of a new curriculum, we looked   framework and driven by the NMAJS Curriculum Standards,
 Education’s primary purpose is to prepare children for the   at several options, so we can provide children access to the   we have made good progress in reviewing and developing   With best wishes,

 future.  Accordingly,  a  school’s  design  principles  and   most relevant content, the opportunity to optimise learning   the curriculum standards.  Isha Ambani Piramal
 roadmap,  its  vision  and  mission,  its  core  values  and   through the best pedagogies, and a system that gives them
 attributes, its strategies and action plans, its facilities and   more control of their learning. Learning becomes complete   It is heartening to note that in the recent communications

 resources, and its culture and climate, should all converge to   and meaningful only when the learner has understood the   with and presentations to the parents on the new curriculum
 make  it  future-ready.  We  know  the  future  offers   concepts and can apply them to real-life situations. Children   and the academic year transition plans, we have received   WELL-BEING
 innumerable opportunities and poses numerous challenges   are  natural  explorers  and  inquirers,  and  the  school  is  a   great  appreciation  and  wholehearted  support  from  all.
 that cannot even be imagined at this time. This calls for   catalyst to fuel their curiosity and encourage them to ask   Parents are very optimistic about how the new curriculum

 putting  in  our  best  efforts  and  making  the  widest  of   questions  and  pursue  their  interests.  An  inclusive  and   pathways and the transformative pedagogical practices are
 consultations  in  deciding  on  every  building  block  and   engaged learning community that has access to the best   going to remodel learning and benefit children.

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