Page 15 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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DEAN AND CHIEF We are now in the early stages of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, well-being. Therefore, all educational endeavours should have a their ingenuity, motivation, and compassion as they tackled their
which is characterized by a new set of technologies like artificial
problems and, at the same time, helped the community too. The
primary focus on these key essential attributes. This could be the
intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning that are driving greatest gift we can give our children, so they can take care of school continued to create opportunities, connections, and
EXECUTIVE OFFICER the evolution of these digital capabilities at an exponential speed. themselves as well as those around them. As we gradually resources for them for the same. We ended the year with the
In turn, these technological shifts are directly and profoundly reopened our school campus, we have accelerated our efforts in senior students sharing their experiences with the next applying
impacting the existing academic models and approaches. providing more focused support to our students through our class so they could better their application prospects. The Class of
Therefore, it is imperative that every educational institution revisits Special Educators and Counsellors. The priority was to identify and 2022 had an acceptance rate of 45% of their applications, and
and reconfigures its design principles and practices to make its bridge the learning gaps in students in the context of the 44% of the class received scholarships amounting to USD
teaching and learning both futuristic and application-oriented. pandemic, so they can be brought back to mainstream learning as 5,543,355. The Class of 2022 gained 461 acceptances from
Having established ourselves as the No. 1 International School in quickly as possible. The referral system was reinforced with special across 9 countries; of these 93 acceptances were to 19 of the top
India and among the Top IB Schools in the world in a short span of educators and counsellors continuing to visit classes. Teacher 30 universities as per the QS World Ranking; 53 offers were
19 years, we are all set to make a strategic shift with the setting up workshops were held to focus on social-emotional learning (SEL) from 16 of the UK Top 30 universities as per the Times Higher
of our new school, 'Nita Mukesh Ambani Junior School'. and the use of affective language was emphasised to sensitise Education (THE) Ranking; and 134 acceptances were to 23 of
Inspired by our school's vision to provide children with a world- them to a variety of concerns that students would face when the Top 30 Best Global Universities as per the US News.
class education and leveraging the strengths of our evolved coming back to the school campus, with some of them coming to In a fitting tribute to our commitment to digital transformation,
educational philosophy and practices, our recently developed the school for the first time. Student voice and agency were DAIS was recognised as a Microsoft Showcase School, thus
definition of High-Quality Teaching and Learning (HQTL) focuses highlighted by encouraging senior students to conduct sessions joining an elite group of schools that exemplify the best of
on four key approaches to teaching and learning: Learning on 'Inclusion and Disability', and 'Language around Mental teaching and learning in the world today. Microsoft Showcase
through Inquiry, Conceptual Understanding, Differentiated Health'. The entire month of October 2021 was dedicated to Schools are recognised and celebrated for educational
Instruction, and Technology Integration. Following this mental health awareness and a multitude of activities were transformation that includes vision and innovation in teaching,
approach, we have had detailed deliberations in the last 18 conducted to discuss aspects of understanding and improving learning, and preparing students for the future. In early 2020 we
months and explored various curriculum options. Accordingly, we well-being. began our journey as a Microsoft Showcase Incubator School,
have found that The International Baccalaureate Primary Through the challenging times of online school, Round Square with the entire school community joining this digital journey in all
Years Programme (PYP) and International Baccalaureate continued to create opportunities, within and outside of school. earnestness, with continuous training and progressively acquiring
Middle Years Programme (MYP) framework will be the most Round Square activities were carefully curated, catering to the various certifications. In such a short period, 100% of our
suited to our vision. social and emotional well-being of students and providing educators are Microsoft Innovative Educators and 40% of them
platforms for self-expression and to develop empathy. Events like
In designing every space and in the provision of all facilities, we are Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts and Microsoft Certified
have followed the principles of flexible layout and learning spaces, Samaanta- gender equality symposium, Metanoia- freedom to Educators. Along with this, our focus was also to put together
Mr. Abhimanyu Basu furniture for utility, technology integration, and a natural light- express through art forms, LaughTopia- looking at the brighter robust systems to continue learning in online, hybrid, or in-person
filled environment. These will help the students to have side of things, and Aarsa- Service to self through self-care were mode. The Technology Department along with the Administration
stimulating experiences and allow collaboration, communication, hosted. Cultural exchanges like 'Colours of India' Postcard, and ensured that all the infrastructure was in place and all stakeholders
Dean and Chief Executive Officer French and Spanish language exchanges were organised. These
and teamwork, within and beyond the classroom, both in formal were on board for the continuity of learning.
and informal settings. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the initiatives were shared at the South Asia and Gulf Regional Meet of We began the process of reaccreditation with CIS and NEASC, by
Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills, as well construction work is going on in full swing and we have made Heads and Representatives as 'Best Practices', which were hosting a virtual Preparatory Evaluation visit in October 2021 and
as imbibing sound values, while education organises these good progress. We hope to have the new campus ready by the end appreciated by member schools. have been granted candidate status for the same. In the summary
essential elements in a structured way. Education supports the of 2022 so we can move into it by the academic year 2023-24. During the virtual school, our PE teachers put together several of the Preparatory Evaluation Visit Report, the visiting team
development of children's competencies, sensitivities, and cultural The Primary School and the Middle School will follow the NMAJS online workouts. As the students came back after almost 700 days observed that “DAIS is a vibrant and aspiring learning
understanding. It expands the learner's world-view and enables Curriculum Standards, which will have a unique standards- of school, the focus was to work on their muscular and community that is deeply committed to using the CIS-
them to engage with the world around them and within them, in based approach. These standards will draw inspiration from the cardiovascular endurance as well as their muscle memory. As we NEASC joint accreditation process as a continuing catalyst
effective and meaningful ways. best curricula from across the globe and build on the traditional restarted the sports programmes after the physical reopening of for school improvement.” The school will now go through a
A curriculum as it is commonly understood deals with each 'subject' strengths of DAIS. They will define 'what the students will the school, the students initially played in their bubbles and rigorous 18-month self-study involving all stakeholders, which will
largely in an independent way, like in the form of mathematics, learn' in terms of concepts, content, and skills that will be gradually they participated in inter-house competitions within be followed by an Accreditation Team Visit in September 2023. As
science, art, or language. At the same time, the real world is a reviewed and updated from time to time. All these standards have their bubbles. Thereafter, our students resumed their regular core a part of this, the CIS Community Surveys have been completed by
representation of how various 'subjects' are interconnected and been backward-integrated from the expectations of IBDP and and extracurricular activities, after a long span of 769 days! all the stakeholders.
converge to form a concept or a practice. Therefore, to make IGCSE to ensure a seamless transition from PYP and MYP. During Team Elev8, the school's robotics team, participated in this year's
education meaningful and relevant, the focus should be more on the academic year 2021-22, we have put these curriculum FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). Before the competition, Once again, our students have produced outstanding results in the
ICSE, IGCSE and IB Diploma examinations. This excellent
each 'discipline' rather than learning a 'subject' in isolation. The standards together and we intend to share the same with the students worked on the robot, attended boot camps and
disciplines are fluid, constantly merging and collaborating, thus school community at the beginning of the next academic year. developed expertise in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Java performance has consolidated our standing as one of the Top IB
making a strong case for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary The Year 2021-22 started with us conducting a unique set of 12 programming. Team Elev8 has also been involved in reaching out Schools in the world; and our ranking by EducationWorld as the
learning. For example, a journalist writing an article on a historical mini graduation ceremonies by which all the 106 graduates of the to students across the country. One of their largest initiatives was No. 1 International School in India and the only School of
event must be able to demonstrate multiple skills of conversation, Class of 2021 had the opportunity to participate in an in-person TrailBlazHER – a platform through which girls could attend coding Eminence with an A++ rating in the Western Region; by the
deductive reasoning, literacy, and social sciences. Graduation Ceremony on the school campus, following all the workshops and learn about STEM. Furthermore, the team has Times of India as the No. 1 National & International Curriculum
That is why, the concept of disciplines brings us to a better starting required safety protocols. Under a hybrid mode of the ceremony, been working with government organizations, whereby School in Mumbai. These accomplishments are proof of our
students' talents and their resolute efforts to excel, as well as
point when planning the curriculum, by reflecting on and mapping each student collected his or her Graduation Diploma in person, introducing more students to robotics. They conducted an online, reflect the commitment of our highly dedicated teachers. My
what students should know and be able to do, as a result of their together with any award(s) they qualified for. The ceremony was all-India CAD workshop in collaboration with Atal Innovation sincere gratitude and appreciation go to our Founder and
learning. This calls for several competencies and attributes like attended by the parents of each student. Our Chairperson Smt Mission with 2500+ participants. Chairperson, Mrs. Nita Ambani, Vice-Chairperson, Ms. Isha
curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, communication, Nita M. Ambani and the Chief Guest Prof Nitin Nohria addressed Ambani Piramal, and the entire Board of Governors, for their
collaboration, compassion, digital citizenship, and global the students through video-recorded speeches. Later, the entire DAIMUN, the largest THIMUN-affiliated conference in India, was visionary and inspirational leadership. I also express my heartfelt
citizenship. At DAIS, in classes across all age groups, we have ceremony was webcast to all students and parents so everyone held virtually during 20-23 October 2021. The Secretariat gratitude to all our Heads, Deputy Heads, Programme
always endeavoured to weave all these into the fabric of the could watch this milestone event together. This was the first major conducted the sessions from the school campus. There were eight Coordinators, Curriculum Coordinator, Sports Director, Director of
learner's journey and nurture it throughout. event that marked the return of students to the school campus, committees at DAIMUN 2021, each having three multifaceted and Technology, Round Square Coordinator, the Student Care Services
Inquiry is a critical pedagogical approach that recognises students which was followed by phased entry of students to the school in exhilarating agendas under the conference's central theme 'The team, the College Counselling team, the Learning Centre team,
Efficacy of Shared Sovereignty in Our Times'.
as being actively involved in their own learning and taking October 2021. We gradually transitioned from the online mode to and especially to all our Faculty and Administration team, who
responsibility for the same. Through the inquiry process, students the hybrid format, and then to full-fledged on-campus instruction It is truly praiseworthy that despite another unpredictable year worked tirelessly to continue to provide the best education to all
develop and sustain positive relationships with peers, teachers, and activities by 26th March 2022. These back-to-school moments with many obstacles and uncertainties, our students have our students during these challenging times.
and others in the learning community in a spirit of active were so much treasured by our students as could be seen from achieved their goals and dreams. The College Counselling
engagement. They also get to make meaningful connections with their joyous responses and interactions. department supported admission applications for the Class of To sum up, whatever DAIS has achieved so far, and what we intend
varied environments, ideas, materials, and concepts. Recognition Well-being, happiness, resilience, and mental health have been 2022 to large number of universities worldwide. Comprehensive to accomplish through NMAJS, have been made possible due to
of the value of positive relationships among all in the learning gaining much attention in our educational communities, essay workshops, renegotiated deadlines, support for competitive the extraordinary teamwork and commitment of the entire team
community forms the foundation for successful inquiry, and especially in the last two years. While intellectual brilliance and university interviews, administration of competitive external at DAIS. WELL-BEING
fosters self-efficacy in students and facilitates them to practise acquiring qualifications are important, the same should not be at examinations, and so on, helped students achieve excellent Abhimanyu Basu
learner agency. the cost of children's physical and mental health, happiness, and university placements. Students have constantly impressed us with Dean and Chief Executive Officer
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