Page 46 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
P. 46
Idea of the activity was to let the learners know that it is okay to
To make the transition from virtual make mistakes. They were given an opportunity to create
to physical school, students were E V S C l a s s : H E A LT H Y & beautiful art pieces out of their mistakes.
provided with an opportunity to UNHEALTHY CHOICES
know each other better and a build a Objective of the activity was for “My oops! Art - I folded the paper from the centre, and one half
sense of community through learners to reflect on their daily was used to present the universe in the night, the other half
activities like Friendship Web and routine and understand about presents the universe during the day. The pieces of paper i stuck on
“Just like me”. Well-being was also show the planets & the two big red drops of paint I dropped on the
integrated in classes apart from healthy and unhealthy choices paper are the asteroids. And that's my oops! Art story!” ~Veronica,
Grade 1
PSHE. For example, an activity called they made.
“Big Oops” was introduced in Art
class to encourage students to make
mistakes and turn it into something PSHE Class: FRIENDSHIP WEB
beautiful. Reflection exercise on Learners created their character and posted on
making healthy and unhealthy
choices during their daily routine the classroom board. Everyone was given a
was integrate through EVS class. chance to share about a trait that they
resonated with. Everyone who related with 1 How much time do you
that trait raised their hands and said, “Just like spend on social media per
me”. A friendship web was created to build a day?
sense of community and togetherness among 0-2 hrs 10
2-4 hrs 8
4-6 hrs 3
6+ hrs 0
2 If you are having an issue
(like feeling depressed or
anxious) do you have
someone you can talk to at
● Yes 12
● No 9
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