Page 66 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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DAIS PARTICIPATION IN ROUND SQUARE POSTCARD                                                                              Mental Health and Happiness - St. John's Ravenscourt, Canada

          School Motto, Culture and Community - St. Phillips College, Australia

                                                                                                                                      On  9  June  2021,  five  students  from  DAIS  attended  a  Postcard  themed  'Mental
                                                                                                                                      Health  and  Happiness'  hosted  by  St  John's  Ravenscourt,  Canada.  Through
              On  26th  July  2021,  DAIS  delegates  attended  the  Australian  Postcard,  hosted  by                                presentations  and  engaging  Baraza  discussions,  participants  reflected  on  the  positive
              St.  Phillips  College  on  'School  Mottos,  Culture  and  Community'  whose  objective                                impact  service  and  kindness  to  others  has  on  one's  own  mental  health.
              was  to  facilitate  discussion  on  the  logos  of  different  schools  and  the  morals  they                         Furthermore,  participants  shared  their  perspectives  on  the  importance  of
              aimed  at  inculcating  within  their  students.  Students  were  then  encouraged  to                                  encouraging  open  dialogue  about  mental  health  and  destigmatizing  it.
              speak  about  the  meaning  of  their  school  motto  and  logo  and  what  they  meant                                 The  interactive  Baraza  discussions  on  'kindness'  allowed  delegates  to  understand  the
              to  the  learners.  Some  students  spoke  about  how  their  institution  valued  honesty,                             importance  of  helping  others,  leaving
              some  shared  that  their  school  cherished  independence  or  respect,  or  knowledge,  or  diversity,  amongst  several   delegates  to  reflect  on  how  small  deeds  can
              others.   Perhaps  the  most  important  reflection  from  the  postcard  on  'School  Mottos,  Culture  and  Community',   make  a  big  impact.
              was  that  although  globally,  we  all                                                                                 DAIS  Delegates:  Devika  Kothari,  Dhruv
              share  similar  values,  the  specific  morals                                                                           Bhalla,  Sriya  Bodapati,  Vihaan  Mangat
              that  schools  prioritize  over  each  other                                                                            and  Vivaan  Turakhia.
              is  what  make  each  community  and
              culture  unique.
              DAIS  Delegates:  Dhruv  Bhatia,
              Anika  Singi,  Paarth  Ambani,  Sanya
              Shah  and  Ananya  Srinivasan

                                                                                                                                 Warp and Weft in Weaves

          Understanding Unconscious Bias - St. Cyprian's School, South Africa

                                                                                                                                     On  19  January  2021,  ten  DAIS  students  along  with  145  delegates  across  five
                                                                                                                                     countries  participated  in  a  postcard  –  'Wrap  and  Weft  in  Weaves'  hosted  by
              On  the  16th  of  February  2022,  a  few  students  from  Dhirubhai  Ambani                                          Mayo  college.  The  delegates  had  the  chance  to  discuss  with  other  students  the
              International  School  participated  in  a  Round  Square  Postcard  hosted  by  the  St.                              varying  styles  of  clothing  that  are  observed  in  their  respective  countries.
              Cyprian's  School,  centred  around  a  theme  that  has  great  relevance  in  our  world
              today  –  'Understanding  Unconscious  Bias'.                                                                          The  discussions  were  woven  around  fast  fashion  and  its  impacts  on  the
                                                                                                                                     environment,  the  different  kinds  of  clothes  worn  all  over  the  world,  and  how  the
              The  Postcard  began  with  a  panel  discussion  with  a  teacher  and  three  members  of                            delegates,  on  a  personal  level  can  contribute  to
              the  host  school's  student  body.  The  delegates  had  the  chance  to  understand  the                             sustainable  fashion  and  reduce  textile  waste.
              ways  in  which  unconscious  bias  has  infiltrated  our  society.  Then,  delegates  segued
              into  their  Baraza  groups  where  they  had  the  chance  to  understand  that  unconscious  bias  is  not  wholly  negative.   Thrifting,  donating,  and  recycling  clothes  is  the  way
              The  delegates  also  enjoyed  bringing  in  a  biological  perspective  to  this  psychological  impediment,  giving  the   forward  for  a  clean  and  sustainable  world.  The  postcard
              discussion  a  greater  layer  of  depth.                                                                              and  its  keynote  speaker,  Ms.  Kaveri  Bose,  left  them
                                                                                                                                     inspired  to  think  about  the  steps  they  need  to  take  as
              In  conclusion,  the  Round  Square
              postcard  on  unconscious  bias  was  an                                                                               the  generation  of  the  future.
              exciting   experience   and   allowed                                                                                  DAIS  Student  Delegates:  Reya  Mehendale,  Nastassia
              delegates  to  ask  challenging  questions                                                                             Bokdawala,  Jiana  Shah,  Vedant  Vora,  Tanisha  Joshi,
              about  their  own  thinking.                                                                                           Neerja  Desai,  Rhea  Jain,  Ranveer  Nangrepatil,  Anika
              DAIS  Delegates:  Sriya  Bodapati,                                                                                     Garg,  and  Neil  Jhunjhunwala.
              Aashna  Parikh,  Aisha  Patel,  Ira
              Kulkarni,  Suryansha  Sheth

                                                                                                                                 Nirgun - Music & Poetry for the Soul
          Masks Around the World - Okinawa Amicus International School, Okinawa

                                                                                                                                     On  the  26th  of  January,  six  students  from  DAIS  attended  a  virtual  Round  Square
                                                                                                                                     Postcard,  titled:  'Nirgun  -  Music  &  Poetry  for  the  Soul'.  Keynote  speakers  -  Sunita
              The  pandemic  was  an  unprecedented  experience  that  forced  us  to  adapt  to  a
              new  world,  ironically  one  that  was  confined  to  the  four  walls  of  our  house.  So,                           Bhuyan  and  Ronojit  Bhuyan  commenced  the  event  with  a  live  and  enthralling
              amid  this  crisis,  there  arose  a  universally  understood  new  normal:  Masks.  DAIS                              singing  performance  accompanied  by  the  Violin  and  Piano.  The  performance  was
              students  attended  the  Okinawa  Amicus  International  School  Round  Square                                         followed  by  a  discussion  about  the  interrelation  of  music  and  poetry  and  the
              Postcard,  on  2nd  March  2022  and  discussed  the  importance  of  masks  with                                      employment  of  music  as  a  universal  language  and  medium  of
              countless  children  from  different  schools  and  countries.                                                         expression.  The  discussion  delved  deeper  into  the  similarities
                                                                                                                                     between  Indian  and  Western  Music  culture.
              While  pondering  on  stimulating  questions  about  the  mandate  of  masks  in  their
              countries  and  the  point  at  which  they  believed  relaxing  government  regulations  on                           The  delegates  were  then  divided  into  smaller  Baraza  sessions  in
              masks  was  acceptable,  delegates  came  across  diverse  and  interesting  opinions.                                 which  they  interacted  with  each  other  on  their  personal  anecdotes
              Not  only  did  the  discussion  urge  the  delegates  to  explore  this  new  normal,  but  it  also                  and  experiences  with  music  as  well  as  the  impact  of  music  on
              enabled  them  to  learn  that  masks  can  be  a  cultural  accessory.  Overall,  the  delegates                      their  life.  The  Postcard  was  an  enriching  experience  where
              felt  that  this  Postcard  widened  their  horizons,  understanding  both  the  use  of  masks  as                    delegates  dived  into  the  depths  of  divine  music  and  poetry.
              a  hygienic  tool  and  the  social  impact  they  have  had  on  the  world.                                          DAIS  Delegates:  Aashna  Parikh,  Anoushka  Kapoor,
              DAIS  Delegates:  Kavya  Sinha,  Aanya  Shah,  Kiana  Fernandez,  Ria  Chawla,                                         Aryaa  Meghani,  Jiwanshi  Shah,  Ruchika  Bhuyan  and
              Vikram  Karra  and  Atishaya  Gupta.                                                                                   Survansha  Sheth.

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