Page 65 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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World Food Day - A DAIS initiative  Round Square International Conference 2021:

 From the 1st to 20th October, students of IBDP Year 11 visited   “Blue Skies and Brave Conversations”
 classes UKG to Grade 10 holding enriching sessions in celebration
                                                              Day 4 - Ethical Leadership: The last day of the conference had
 of World Food Day, an event celebrated internationally on 16th
                                                              delegates  discussing  the  question  of  ethical  leadership.  Biding
 October. The World Food Day was aimed at raising awareness on
                                                              Adieu to their newly formed friends was the hardest part of the day.
 the issues of world hunger and to inculcate healthy eating habits.
                                                              DAIS Delegates: Anagha Srinivasan, Arishta Goel, Dhruv
 With a blend of videos, activities, quizzes, the team touched upon
                                                              Bhalla, Diya Hebbar, Kshitig Seth, Prajna Wankawalla,
 prevalent issues like food wastage in homes and the journey of
                                                              Sanaa Beriwala, Sriya Bodapati
 food from farm to fork amongst others, encouraging students to
 adopt healthy eating practices and work towards reducing food
 wastage at home.
                                                              RSIC 2021-  Baraza Leaders from DAIS:
 The  process  began  in  mid-September,  when  the  volunteers
 worked  diligently  to  plan  sessions  catering  to  each  age,
 elaborating on ways to reduce food wastage in homes, school, and
 recycle  leftovers  in  a  healthy  and  effective  manner,  ensuring
 nothing  was wasted.

 Volunteers  were  amazed  at  the  sensitivity  and  action-oriented
 nature of the responses and practical suggestions like giving away
 excess  food  to  helpers,  feeding  stray  animals,  or  consciously   Students of DAIS participated in the Round Square International
 finishing the food on one's plate.   Conference with the theme “Blue Skies and Brave Conversations”
        from 20th to 23rd September 2021. The delegates joined on a
 Overall,  with  the  guidance  and  support  of  heads,  teachers  virtual  campus  –  on  the  'Gather  Platform'  –  created  by  Round
 and  Round  Square  teachers  Ms.  Manisha  Nanda  and  Square Central that displayed multiple features including areas to
 Ms. Pratima Sridhar, the volunteers could engage and educate   socialise, arcade games, a beach, a theatre, a stage for open mic,
 students in an enjoyable manner, ensuring the impact they make is   yoga pagodas, fire pits as well as large conference halls for Baraza
 long lasting.  sessions.

 Student Leaders: Annsh Navle, Devika Kothari, Kshitig   The 4 days event consisted of discussions based on specific theme   Schools were asked to recommend delegates as participants and as
 Seth, Ritvija Dalmia, Ruchika Bhuyan, Sriya Bodapati and  for  each  day,  which  was  highlighted  by  keynote  speakers.   Baraza Leaders for the RSIC2021. DAIS recommended IBDP Year 12
        Day 1 -  Brave Conversations: The conference began with cultural   students  Stuti  Daga,  Dhaniti  Parekh,  Devika  Kothari  and  Vivaan
 Suryansha Sheth
        montages  and  open-mic  performances  to  help  the  delegates   Turakhia as Baraza leaders for the event as they had experience with
        enhance their understandings of various cultures. The segment was   planning  and  hosting  DAIS  events  -  3L  -  Leisure  learning  in
        conducted  on  the  'Picnic  Blankets',  where  delegates  could   Lockdown, Metanoia, Samaanta and Welcome to India Postcards.
        participate in discussions of transnational significance.   These Baraza leaders became part of the RSIC core team and were
                                                              trained by RS Central along with students from around the world.
        Day 2 - Identity and Inclusion: Delegates delved deeper into the   The  bi-monthly  training  sessions  prepared  the  young  leaders  in
        topic of Identity and Inclusion as had conversations on the topic of   tackling 'Brave Conversation', to brainstorm and practise various
        identity and inclusion, explore the various features of the virtual   troubleshooting techniques that they could encounter as leaders.
        platform such as the Yoga Pagodas, fire pits and the beach and   The sessions trained the leaders to discuss and plan activities, share
        enjoy Open Mic performances.                          opinions,  consider  the  perspectives  of  fellow  leaders  across  the
                                                              world. This experience empowered our students and honed their
        Day 3 - Climate Action: Delegates shared examples of some of the   leadership skills.
        most  significant  environmental/  climate  change  challenges  from
        their part of the world and discuss how these were being addressed   RSIC Baraza Leaders: Devika Kothari, Dhaniti Parekh,
        through  innovation.  These  conversations  covered  some  very   Stuti Daga, Vivaan Turakhia
        important  topics  such  as  sustainability,  government  policies  and
        individual efforts.

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