Page 93 - DAIS Insignia 2021-2022
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THE SPORTS WRITING CLUB Whether it be making a new recipe, trying a new dish, or simply ensuring that you're putting in enough
of the right ingredients, Culinary club is truly an exciting co-curricular. It introduced us to new flavours
and dishes, we got the opportunities to make different dishes from varying cuisines. It also served as a
humble reminder for us to appreciate the food served to us, after we experienced how long it takes to
The Sports Writing Club is a new club initiated by prepare a single dish. From appetizers and snacks to deserts and drinks - we have done it all. All of us
discussed the recipes we made, and firmly decided that the recipes we enjoyed the most were the
IBDP Grade 11 and supervisor Mr. Harry Martin.
Bombay sandwich and the mocktails. Despite being on an online platform, we were able to enjoy all of
Sport has played a vital role in all our lives and we
these activities and successfully create new, enticing dishes each time. Our online calls were filled with
want to use this magazine as an opportunity to laughter, fun and a few failures here and there where some students who missed out on an ingredient
celebrate student achievements, voice unique or added the wrong proportions of something. However, the end was always the most exciting, to see
perspectives, share tips that have benefited us what the final product of our cooking led to. We would enthusiastically taste what we had made, share
our thoughts and opinions on it, and eagerly show it to all our
over the years and encourage more students to
family members to gain insight on their views too. It gave us a
pursue sports! We have published 3 magazines so
different sort of satisfaction eating it because we made this with
far, and covered a range of topics: inspiring our own hands, and it was like getting the prize for all of our hard
interviews with students and teachers about their work. Some students like Diva shared their experiences saying
journey in sports, dietary and fitness tips, the FPL that she made the Bombay sandwich for her sister and she
devoured it. Niyati also made the brownies for her whole family
dream team and a leader board of student
who thoroughly enjoyed them as well.
Prior to this, many of us would enjoy
We have written opinion and biographical tasting different foods, but none of us knew how to make it or even
manoeuvre our way around the kitchen. However, we chose this co-
articles, such as 'Why Should we support the
curricular so we could learn how to cook these mouth-watering
smaller football teams' and 'India's F2 Champion- dishes ourselves, and after practicing making new dishes and
Jehaan Daruwala.' Each magazine ends with a fun and challenging games section that we believe students of all ages will enjoy! learning basic cooking skills on our weekly Tuesday calls, many of us
transformed from being clueless in the kitchen to being amateur
In the next few magazines, we hope to bring more attention to minority sports and e-sports and interact more with the student cooks! It also taught us to be more independent while cooking, and
community by conducting exciting polls, quizzes and interviews. Additionally, we hope that the transition back to physical school will some students who only cooked before with assistance from
give us the opportunity to include match reports and details of sporting events that are held at school. someone could now make their own dishes easily! We definitely
recommend joining the Culinary club to try your hand at cooking,
To ensure our magazines consistently improve and appeal to our readers, we incorporated all the feedback we received. For instance, in and being given the opportunity of concocting scrumptious dishes
the second edition of our magazine, we included multiple games and articles on various sports such as Formula 1. that can be savoured by you and your friends and family.
It can be anything, from a simple piece of paper to a huge journal, but it can change Dance club is a student-led creativity club at DAIS which commenced in 2020.
your life. A bullet journal is a planner, habit tracker, to do list, diary, calendar and Creativity is a fundamental aspect of learning and this club aimed to bring
anything else you want all rolled into one! This system, developed by Ryder Caroll, together passionate learners willing to explore cultural diversity, nuanced
enables you to keep track of everything you need, and all you need is a notebook. As techniques and expression of abstract ideas through dance, while also having a
lot of fun!
IBDP students, this creativity club has truly enabled us to structure our lives. Tests,
RBAs, homework, health- there is so much to look after! This can be extremely Being restricted to the confinement of our homes and laptop screens
considering the pandemic, we conducted our activities online for the initial
overwhelming. But the Bullet Journal effectively helps us to stay on top of all our tasks months. While dance is a physical activity, we employed innovative ways to
while maintaining a balanced lifestyle. enrich our experience with the digital platform. This involved playing games like
We all use the journal in multitudes of aspects of our life, from diet to exercise, from “Guess the Dance Form” or a Kahoot quiz on dance origins.
reflecting upon our mental health to organising an exam schedule. We even include Every week, students took turns to prepare a choreography and teach the rest of
enjoyment-based pages including lists of books we have read, movies we watch and the members. Owing to our diverse backgrounds, we were able to learn various
so on. Over time, as we realised how flexible it is, the bullet journal system also became forms from Indian classical to Bollywood to Hip Hop. We also interspersed our
a means for us to track our progress and to look back and appreciate our effort and sessions with workouts.
accomplishments. We implemented our Tuesday sessions to engage in discussions An important aspect of our club was regular post-session feedback and
regarding our progress and futuristic ideas for our journals. reflection to ensure we could improve with every next session.
With school reopening physically recently, we were able to bridge hitherto gaps
Did we face challenges maintaining a journal? After all, it too requires time and effort. such as challenges in choreography or synchronising due to internet issues.
Being completely transparent, initially as we were still learning how to create and This year, the dance club regarded cultural learning as one of our utmost
maintain our journals, we did face challenges with completing our journals. However, objectives. We achieved this through discussing the cultural contexts of dance
we soon learned that a bullet journal is not always about being artistic and adorning forms before every choreography. We also prepared a Diwali performance at the
every page with intricate designs. time of the festival to commemorate the occasion.
Overall, the dance club provided us with not only a means to recoup from academic stress but also platform to express ourselves freely.
It is about what works best for us as individuals! Soon, “It came to a point where the This was an enriching experience as everyone 's ideas, opinions, and dance steps were clubbed into one dance. We can proudly
journal was taking care of us instead of us looking after the journal.”
conclude that we have managed to create free space for the students to behave in an appropriate but liberated manner. - Pari Naheta
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