Page 10 - DAIS Insignia 2022-2023
P. 10

Our  focus  is  on  liberating  and  empowering  the  learner   students to transition from the factual to the conceptual
                                                                                                                               through an education that is inspirational, practical, and   level of thinking. This orientation calls for a distinctive shift
                                                                                                                               futuristic. The contours of the new learning paradigms will   in mindset of the teacher and the taught. All involved in the
                                                                                                                               show how children educate themselves through inquiry-  curriculum design and instruction will need a blueprint for
                                                                                                                               based and concept-based learning, the model of learner   transformation  and  developing  in  children  such  critical
                                                                                                                               agency,  the  emphasis  on  learning  that  transfers,  the   competencies. Then only, they will be able to move forward
                                                                                                                               primacy of disruptive thinking in classrooms, and so on.   into a promising future with confidence and the required
                                                                                                                               And, it has always been our endeavour to keep the entire   skill sets.
                                                                                                                               DAIS community abreast of the highlights of our evolving
                                                                                                                               pedagogical principles and practices.                  In a world driven by algorithms and with the phenomenal
                                                                                                                                                                                      rise  of  artificial  intelligence,  the  domain  of  cognitive
                                                                                                                               Inquiry-based  and  concept-based  learning  promotes   processes  are  witnessing  a  revolution.  Teaching
                                                                                                                               deep  understanding  and  teachers'  roles  are  increasingly   metacognitive skills - the process of thinking about one's
                                                                                                                               getting redefined to be a facilitator, and moves teaching   own thinking and learning - to students has become an
                                                                                                                               and learning beyond facts and skills. When we prompt and   educational imperative. Experiential learning strategies
                                                                                                                               support students to inquire into the concepts and study the   including  simulation  and  gamification  are  gaining  in
                                                            VICE-CHAIRPERSON’S                                                 relationships between them, using guiding questions, the   importance. A digital mindset is a critical catalyst for the

                                                            MESSAGE                                                            learning and assimilation move to a new level.         future of education. Beyond the one-size-fits-all system of
                                                                                                                                                                                      education, differentiated instruction and personalised
                                                                                                                               When we integrate student voice into the learning process,
                                                                                                                                                                                      learning are the new order. All this necessitates the critical
                                                                                                                               it  will  unleash  their  creativity  and  transform  the  entire
                                                                                                                                                                                      need for any school to be a research-oriented organisation
                                                                                                                               learning  experience.  Adopting  the  learner  agency
                                                                                                                                                                                      that incorporates contemporary research in its curriculum
                                                                                                                               approach to learning will cultivate personal responsibility   and pedagogy.
   “     DAIS is now a candidate school for IB PYP and IB MYP, and have started teaching                                       for their learning and motivate students to take an agile and   As we are preparing to launch the Nita Mukesh Ambani
                                                                                                                               adaptable role in their learning,. It will encourage them to
          students by following these frameworks. This flexible and futuristic curriculum
                                                                                                                               be decision-makers. It ignites a drive for deeper learning
                                                                                                                                                                                      Junior  School  and  add  new  wings  to  our  dreams,  let's
          builds on the traditional strengths of DAIS, and our new pedagogical practices                                       and  will  equip  students  with  the  skills  and  orientation   continue to reflect on our key learnings and work towards
              are going to transform the way children will engage with their learning.                                         required to succeed in the future. It can inspire in children a   transforming the way teachers teach and children learn.
                                                                                                           ”                   genuine love of learning.                              Let's impart an education that places children at the cutting

        The genesis and growth of any institution, with focus on   DAIS journey through multiple lenses. DAIS is a case study   In a fast-evolving world, accentuated by technology, we are   edge  of  artificial  intelligence,  while  fully  embracing
                                                                                                                                                                                      emotional intelligence. Let them be curious and engaged
                                                                                                                               preparing children for a future that we can't visualise, or
        how  it  envisioned  its  future  and  traversed  the  multiple   of how emotions - the emotional connect to an institution -                                                 learners, always. Let them be willing to take risks and try
                                                                                                                               they  can't  predict.  Therefore,  going  forward,  the  focus
        pathways,  always  serves  an  important  case  study.   can engender excellence and create magic, way beyond its                                                             new things. Let them be inquisitive and analytical. And most
                                                                                                                               should be on learning that transfers. The learning they
        Educational  institutions  are  uniquely  placed  as  they  are   brick-and-mortar  structure.  How  this  emotional  connect
                                                                                                                               receive  today  should  enable  them  to  unpack  learning   importantly, let them be well-rounded.
        meant to be role model organisations. The emergence of   and  exceptional  commitment  are  more  powerful  than
        Dhirubhai Ambani International School on the horizon   intellectual prowess. How team effort and co-creation are       standards, develop competencies, unlock new situations,   As DAIS celebrates its 20 years, may I take this opportunity
        20  years  ago  was  the  leap  of  faith  of  one  person-  my   superior to individual brilliance. How hands-on work can   ask questions, and explore new solutions. This means, while   to  express  my  sincere  gratitude  to  our  Founder  &
                                                                                                                               we need to harness the time-tested building blocks and
        mother  Nita  Mukesh  Ambani.  And,  what  this  young   win  over  hands-off  approach.  How  cardinal  institutional                                                        Chairperson  Smt  Nita  M.  Ambani,  our  leadership  team,
        institution has accomplished is her labour of love. For me,   principles can serve as resilient pillars.               approaches  to  learning,  we  must  also  equally  focus  on   teachers and staff, our alumni, our parents, and all our well-
                                                                                                                               building students' capacity to transfer their learning to new
        her foremost synonym is 'educationist'. I have always seen                                                                                                                    wishers  for  building  this  iconic  institution.  One  that  has
        in her a teacher - a passionate teacher - in everything she   As  DAIS  stands  at  the  threshold  of  a  new  development   and challenging situations and solving complex problems.   impacted the lives of so many in such a short time. Let the
        does, whether it is school or higher education, sport or art,   phase and is all set to spread wings as a mother institution,   This calls for more open-mindedness and flexibility on the   culture of excellence, children's holistic development and
        philanthropy  or  healthcare.  I  have  experienced  how  a   we have much to look ahead and accomplish. We are very   part of every educator, and more receptibility on the part of   well-being of all continue to be our watchwords for the
        teacher can be an inspirational leader, can instil a growth   much  on  track  in  our  transition  to  the  new  curriculum   the learner to navigate and interpret those situations.   future.  Together,  let  us  build  a  school  of  the  future,  a
        mindset in children, and can make a huge positive impact in   pathways. DAIS is now a candidate school for IB PYP and IB                                                      timeless institution.
        the lives of children.                                 MYP, and have started teaching students by following these      Another important and indispensable part of education is to
                                                               frameworks. This flexible and futuristic curriculum builds on    future-proof learning for all children by creating a culture
        As a student, as an alumna, and now as an institutional   the traditional strengths of DAIS, and our new pedagogical   and practice of disruptive thinking in our classrooms   My best wishes to all our children!
        leader, I have had the opportunity to experience the DAIS   practices  are  going  to  transform  the  way  children  will   and  beyond.  Conformity  won't  stir  their  creativity  and
        story in multiple roles. This has enabled me to look at the   engage with their learning.                              imagination. Constructing thinking classrooms will enable   Isha Ambani Piramal

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